The Magic Bullet!
For all you fruit smoothie lovers this thing will work so well. I bought it at Costco - the whole kit & caboodle for $50. It's basically a mini blender - it allows you to quickly make just a single serving (or 2) fruit smoothie. Great any time of day! I use frozen fruit (strawberries, melon, blueberries, peaches) regular…
Hitting the store tomorrow ..any new finds?
Hi everyone Hitting the store tomorrow (probably A&P) I have my list but are there any new great finds...? Oh and I love to splurge on pizza every once and a while and have been eating the LC pizza (360cals) I don't find it very filling...any other recs I thought I read in a mag red baron makes a low cal option but I can't…
Why I love Trader Joes
I seem to be always finding something new in this store that I love. It has really helped me to change things up, find new items and not get bored while losing weight. Of course, I try to make unprocessed foods as much as possible, but their frozen section is great for a quick, healthful meal. Today, I got the following…
hollywood 24/48 hr detox drink
has anyone ever heard of this/tried it...what did you think? its supposed to drop weight and make your body healthy by drinking only this drink with water for 24 or 48 hrs...you can buy it at their website or ive seen it at walgreens....
Thanks for the TJ apple tarte rec...GOOOOD
Hi 1/2 tarte (big piece) for 120 cals...it was YUMMMMYYYY I have the turkey burgers and whole wheat buns but haven't tried them yet Kim
What was for breakfast?
16 oz fat free cappuccino I only drank about 1/2 banana 2 eggs 1/4 cup shredded moz cheese 1 cup skim milk 1 piece whole wheat bread 5 sprays I can't believe its not butter
Drinking ALL that water.....
Hello. I know it will make loads of a difference if I drink the amount of water that is suggested, the 8 glasses. I am having a hard time doing that. Is it acceptable to count things such as ice tea, crystal light, and other drinks that don't have all the calories and are pretty much flavored water? If I shouldn't do that,…
What was for lunch?
I am a little behind today with this: Lunch 3 cups iceberg lettuce 2 oz sliced turkey 1/4 cup shredded moz cheese 1 roman tomato 3 tbls fat free ranch apple
I always use free range eggs because we watched a program about battery hens and it totally appalled me that I will never eat eggs that don't come from barn or free range hens. However we have a local farm that sells lovely eggs that taste yummy but they are big when I log eggs it has 1 large what would you class as a…
Coke Zero...Is It Too Good To Be True??
Ok...i just entered coke zero into MFP and it seems its like drinking water (well almost!) in a 600ml bottle it has... 1.8 cal 0 sugar 0 fat 66mg sodium 0.6g Carbs So why does it taste so good? And why do i have this sneaking suspicion that its bad for me?
Protein - Can you have too much??
Can you have too much protein in a day? I'm doing well at keeping the other numbers near my goals, but always go over on the protein.
Healthy Pub Food?
Is there such a thing? When i go to hang out with friends, i never know what to order. I've already switched from beer to Gin and Soda (only about 60 calories) but what about the food part? Is there anything on a pub manu that's remotely healthy?
What is/was for Supper?
Healthy Choice Chicken Parmigiana Brocoli florets Fettuccini Pasta Caramel Apple Crisp
What was for breakfast?
16 oz fat free cappuccino banana 2 egg omlett 1 oz turkey 1/4 cup shredded reduced fat mozarella 1/2 cup skim milk
Best meal replacement bar
Hi Sorry if this has been done already BUT I like meal replacement bars as snack, between meals..considering cals, sugar content, fiber, taste etc....what bars do you like? I'm currently eating kashi and balance bars Kim
Sodium RUSH
My sodium intake levels have not been below 2,500mg for any day this month. In fact on more than one day, they were at 6000mg (3 times the daily recommended amount over) The tolerable upper intake levels are set at only 2300mg per day. I eat very healthy, and am relatively within the recommended amounts for other groups. I…
what are the lowest calorie snacks/foods?
can anyone tell me what the lowest calories snacks are? i am struggling to stay under my goal for the day. by the time i get to dinner i only have about 100-150 max.
MEN-The 10 Best Foods You Aren't Eating
Want to do your body a world of good? It's as easy as expanding your grocery list. By: Jonny Bowden, Ph. D. ADVERTISEMENTAlthough some guys aren't opposed to smoking some weed, most wouldn't think of eating one. It's a shame, really, since a succulent weed named purslane is not only delicious but also among the world's…
Antioxidants Rock
Inside your body, an army of antioxidants is protecting you from the forces of aging and disease. We're huge fans of these stellar nutrients and how you can get more on your side Labels on everything from chocolate to pomegranate juice to moisturizer scream the benefits of antioxidants. And we're happy to report that it's…
Bones of Steel
It takes more than milk to fortify your frame We've been hit over the head with the idea that calcium builds healthy bones. And yes, getting the RDA of 1,000 milligrams of the mineral does help keep your skeleton from collapsing like a cheap beach chair. But there's more to the story: Scientists are discovering that other…
Fav Kashi products (that are worth the cals)
Hi all I'm loving the Kashi honey and oats waffles I just picked up today the go lean chocolate turtle bar (190cals)..it was pretty good, a little tough on my jaw..LOL The only product I wasn't happy with was the oatmeal..I prefer quaker weight control Any other Kashi products I should try? Kim
Do "cheat" days actually work????
I have seen many diets that allow one cheat day per week, which allows you to eat all the foods that you basically shouldn't be eating!! (sweets, simple carbs, ect.) does following a diet like this work or does the "cheat" day un-do your weeks worth of healthy eating and potential weight loss?? THANKS!!
Ground Beef Dyes
Has anybody heard this before.... So I was in the grocery store the other day and was comparing 75/25 ground beef with 96/4 ground beef and showing my husband how much more red the 96/4 was compared to the 75/25 and how I would never eat the 75/25 because I thought it looked disgusting. Then this woman who was buying the…
Sweet N Low & Splenda vs Sugar - HELP!!
Okay, every morning I have coffee and in that coffee, I put up to 3 TBSP of sugar because ever since I started drinking coffee, I have liked it very sweet - ( I know, a little coffee with my sugar!). My life is very natural and organic and I don't drink or eat anything with chemicals. My question is, how bad is sweet and…
Hemp Hearts
Does anyone have more Information on these. I have been eating them for while...they are high in fat but its the good kind. They also make you feel really full and I probably would suggest eating them to anyone. I eat them first thing in the morning and am not hungry until at least 1230 or 1. I think there is like 16 g of…
Tiger Woods
I know that I have mentioned Detour Bars in many posts. I am the person that added them to the data base. I have relied on them for about 3 years and they are great. Well today what was TIGER WOODS seen eating on TV.....................a DETOUR Bar Tiger is an example of what perfect physical condition is so him eating one…
Wat do you think??
i am thinkin of goin to this restaurant and it doesn't have its nutritional information on the web.. i want to have a seared tuna salad.. how many calories do u think we are talking? it says served with a wasabi vinaigrette... which i can exchange for another dressing.. what are your thoughts?
Salmon gives me stomach problems
I love salmon and know the health benefits but the last few times I have eaten it, I end up with a stomachache. Does anyone else experience this? And do you know what causes it? Thanks, Tami
A tasty treat I found
Lately I have been eating Larabar's at work for a snack. The are reasonably tasty and have nothing that bothers me allergy wise. Last night I bought enough to last me next week and bought one of these Raw Oranic Food Bars. I really didn't think much about it other than it would be something new to try. Well I loved it. It…
Red Robin now has nutritional info
I noticed on this board that some people had requested nutritional information for Red Robin. They now list it on their web site. They even have a customerizer tool where you can add or subtract ingredients: http://www.redrobin.com/home/customizer.aspx At first glance it looks like the Ensenada Chicken Platter is the…