Whats for dinner this week ?
Ok i find that if i plan my meals in advance i do so much better and tend to stay within my calorie goals, with that said here is my menu for dinner this week :) Spicy Green Beans with Chicken Recipe: 4 Servings 4-Chicken Breasts (cut into 1 inch cubes) 1 cup chicken broth or bouillion with water 1 tablespoon chili paste…
the kind diet
Anyone own this book? I am really interested in the recipes in it but I just hate buying recipe books when I can really only make 3 or 4 things in them because all the ingredients are just ridiculously expensive...and with a toddler and my husband to feed they have to be realistic. Any opinions? :) Thanks in advance!
Tofu or not tofu...that is MY question
I have never cooked tofu before, and I KNOW my dad doesn't like it. But, he has psoriasis and we looked up in a book called encyclopedia of healig foods and it said he needs to limit his meat intake. So I need a knock-out tofu recipe that you have tried(i have looked up plenty, but don't know if they are that great) that…
McDonald's and Me
Okay, so here's the situation. My husband would really like McDonald's for supper tonight and I thought it would be okay. Knowing me, I tend to do my "homework" and research what I can have so that I can allow it for my daily intake. Not only that, I can't have red meat because it doesn't agree with my stomach so I'm left…
Lunchtime situatoin!! HELP!!
Hi All Well, I 've been doing really really well these past few weeks and I want to keep it up. Today I haven't had lunch. My office is having somewhat of a "fun day". WELL my supervisor ordered everyone a pizza. She knew that I have been watching my food options SOOOO she ordered me an 8in cheeseless veggie pizza. I…
Need help with Recipes/cals etc
I made a Rotini Noodle dish tonite and I caclulate it very low in fat & calories.. My question is when I try to go in and add the ingredients, I need to know if the Rotini Pasta info on this site ( Great Value) is that for Uncooked or the Cooked pasta??? I didnt measure before I made the casserole and now am totally…
Calories per meal?
Do you divide up the amount of calories you eat per meal? I usually have 300 for breakfast, 200 for lunch, 300 before working out/ snack and 400 for dinner. Sometimes I'll eat a huge snack and skip dinner... Is that bad?
I am officially going VEG as of right now! "The shocking story of greed, neglect and inhumane treatment inside the U.S. Meat Industry" couldn't be a more accurate description of the content of this book. It was (without a doubt) the most horrifying, disturbing and chilling piece of work I have ever had the displeasure of…
protein bars
in general, i have a protein bar for breakfast with my coffee in the morning, but sometimes when i am not particularly hungry, or if i dont have any food in the house, i will replace lunch with one as well (ie kashi crunch, luna, thinkthin, southbeach etc...). is this bad? am i going to gain weight if i eat more than 1…
In theory... (dinner question!)
In theory say you had a rather large calorie count at lunch. Also assume you went over the daily suggested amount of calorie intake. What would you do for dinner? :happy:
I know sodium is bad in HUGE amounts and given my family history, I need to watch it. I was curious as to what kind of foods are low in sodium. I could look it up myself but I don't have a whole lot of time right now, so if you happen to know anything please post! Thanks!
Breakfast ideas, please!
Does anyone have any good suggestions on breakfast ideas? I can’t do cereal it just doesn’t do anything for me I am hungry 30 mins after I eat it. So any suggestions on health low fat breakfasts?
Banana vs. 3 mini Mr. Goodbars
What to do?? They are the same # of calories... 120 either way. I have the banana in front of me. There is an ENTIRE BAG of those wretched candies on the staff kitchen table at work. I love them so much. If I could be Mrs. Goodbar, I would be. Is there really anything wrong with making the trade? Same calories...
Low cal margarine?
I'm looking for a low cal margarine that won't make my toast soggy! I was using Becel Light but that makes it soggy. Any suggestions?
The all falmous low carb diets- thoughts?
So, my total for carbs according to MFP goals is 165 g. Should I feel guilty about this? Is this too much carbs? are carbs bad for me? I only worry because Atkins and other similar diets, do not like carbs and restrict to 19 g or something crazy like that, but I know they work. I am a carb worry-holic now, and would like…
Turkey lunch meat
So I am not sure how much (calorie count) I should put for my turkey slices. They are from the deli at Jewel. It is peppered turkey and they are thicker slices. How many calories should it be per slice?
What I have learned... on my Journey... Maybe inspirational?
It's truly all about the math, eat less and move more. However, you can’t eat TOO LESS….If you simply starve, your body freaks out and stores. When we eat too little, our bodies go into ‘starvation’ mode storing everything we do consume as fat. Eat the right amount and it will help your metabolism to burn stored fat and…
prepackaged low-calorie meals
As a college student, it's nearly impossible to make your own meals, and fast food restaurants are on literally every corner. So I was just wondering if anyone has found any prepackaged (microwaving is the most advanced form of cooking i have access to) meals that are low in calories. Thanks.
Calories from fat & carb/protein/fat ratio
Hey all.. Couple of questions, my current ratio on my carb/protein/fat intake are ending up around 60/30/10 each day.. I'm not on a low carb diet but was aiming to have a ratio of 40/40/20 which is more balanced I believe. I find it really hard to replace carbs with protein as everything including fruit has tons of carbs…
Not eating enough during the day.
I have just had a major eating session. I believe the problem is that I just did not eat enough during the day. Once I started eating tonight I could not stop. Is there a standard calories goal that you all try to eat for breakfast and lunch to remain satisfied?
Super Noodle Warning!
I thought I had really lucked out with Bachelor's Super Noodles - theyre tasty, ridiculously cheap - which helps, because I'm a student and keep me filled up in the daytime. All this at only 175 Calories per pack - or so I thought. The pack weighs 100g and the nutrition information gives the calorie content at 175 per 100g…
twizzlers cured my headache
I had a very bad headache all day, right around one eye. I took some med, tried laying down, cold compress, etc. I ate well all day and drank a ton of water. Nothing was helping. I felt awful. I just had some (OK, a lot of) twizzlers and my headache's gone. Is there any reasonable explanation for this? Was I going through…
10 Simple Tricks to Eating Less
Source: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/10-simple-tricks-for-eating-less-1369817/ You already know that you shouldn’t overeat, but do you know how to easily stop from crossing the overindulgence threshold? Here are 10 simple ways to turn common-sense rules you already know into daily food-moderation tricks. Try them…
How did you "get into" healthy foods?
My 2 cents: Many people complain that they cannot "get into" healthy foods. I was one of those folks. How I got into healthy foods was this. I pick out what fruits and vegetables I like and starting eating those (balanced of course). There is surely something that you (general you) like that is healthy. Do you like…
Too much protein...
Every day I go over on my protein..I was wondering if anyone knows what a good low protein lunch could be?
my favorite soup!
Just thought i'd let everyone know, what i really think is helping me out ! Knorr soup that come in the boxes are fantastic ! my personal fave is the tuscan bean with sweet basik, yum! its pureed, with veggies in it, ans its soooooo good for you! no sugar added to it, etc etc. it has two servings of a cup pre box, and is…
1/2 Weight in Water???
I have read on here several times that people are attempting to drink half of their weight in water per DAY...now I dunno about you, but I weigh 140 pounds and I JUST don't see how it's going to be possible to drink 70lbs of water per day!!! Obviously you'd have to break it down to ounces, but I worked it out that I'd have…
I caved!
I knew I shouldn't have gone down to the Teacher's Lounge but I did.... I brought my cottage cheese, fruit and yogurt and planned to eat that but then the aroma of eggplant parm, lemon chicken, salad, garlic knots, bundt cake and cannolies sucked me in. Lunch was catered for us by the parents committee for Teacher…
Tracking 1st 30 days on DNA-customized supplement
I know there is controversy on whether to take a supplement or no supplement, including vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants. And then within that controversy there is whether DNA-customized supplements have any value. To me this is an interesting question. I am trying DNA-customized supplement (recommended by my…
Need alcohol drink
I know I should stay away from the bars! Every once in a while I like to go out and have drinks. My problem is I dont know what the calories are in most the fun or mixed drinks. I stay away from tequila because it gives me a headache, but am open to most alcohol drinks. I also know I should drink water between drinks, but…