Weight Loss Myth Buster Quiz
Hi there, diannholland1965 mentioned mythbusters yesterday (my favorite show), so I thought we could use a little myth busting today. You can take a quiz at this site: http://weightloss.about.com/library/quiz/blmythquiz.htm It is very interesting and busts a lot of those myths we have about weight loss, even the one about…
HELP!!! my pants are falling and they won't stay up
ok just a funny story ....i am walking in walmart getting my yummy new healthy food and pushing the cart with one hand..and why is this...my darn pants keep falling...lol.....i couldn't be happier but what a pain in the butt it is...my son who is 5 says mommy why are you almost hitting other carts and drive with 2 hands…
Any Hoosiers on here ,? If so come and say hello to me Im fro Richmond Indiana
:brokenheart: I started using this site 1 week ago and have been using the food journal and have been counting my calorie intake and I have done really well. I think I went over on my cals once and it was very slightly. I stopped having the odd glass of wine in the evening and the late night snacks. Cut my portion sizes…
Hi Guys
Just wantedc to let you all know, I've not fallen off the wagon as it were, my internet at home is down, so having to use an internet cafe, but hey, I'm still eating healthily and geting exercise. Went to my diabetic clinic this morning, blood sugar and weight loss good, but my blood pressure and colesterol are high and i…
I just read the one with the calories and such. I noticed that a lot of you out there, weight less than I do, however are not allowed as many calories as I am.. how does that work? Shouldnt I get less.. and "you" get more? Im confused
See ya
Long day with alot sucess thanks to all my new friends , thank you for all your help..
Love a challenge
Someone want to start a competition up and start a Biggest loser of our own , now I dont think I have $500, 000 dollars but we may have a 20.00 lol
A 7 day challenge
I challenge each and everyone of you to look in the mirror and find something you like about yourself. Post it. We will do it for the next 7 days. Day one: When I look at myself in the mirror, I like my eyes. Remember to be honest
Okay, now I don't feel so bad....
Last night I tried the Jillian Michaels for BEGINNERS and could only do 15 mins. I was literally sick, I thought for sure I would throw up!!! Well, tonight I did 45 mins and didn't even feel sick. I think I modified it to my fitness level instead of trying to keep up with her right off the bat. So I will do more tomorrow.…
Ok, so I have been doing really well on my calories and such.. actually I havent gone over, and have had a good amount left over... Almost thought I could drop it. I just added my walking today, and it gave me back A LOT... and I feel guilty.. like I cheated or something.
anyone actually TRIED the new FDA approved ALLI? what is your experience, findings
good night all
Motorcycle Humour A guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this great big huge biker standing next to him. The biker sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says, "7 feet tall, 350 lbs, 20 inch penis, testicles 3 lbs each and Turner Brown". The little guy just faints dead away and falls to the floor. The…
Purge your splurge
give it up!! what is it you just cant resist. or what is it you indulge in on those special days??
Just how much time are you.......
spending sitting and reading posts? I used to just log my foods and leave. Then I would post and try to motivate people. Now I find I read for too long and that is time I could be exercising. So I am only giving myself a half hour. You could spend all day just reading but it won't make you lose weight. :sad: Almost all the…
I so fell off the wagon today not sure what happened, but tommorrow is a new day, i just ate all the wrong foods , i just think it is all the stress i am under lately and sitting at home all day by myself i totally lost it. I will start again tommorrow i just feel gross havent felt like this for awhile, just bad foods.…
7 day challenge-day 5
Day 1-eyes Day 2-smile Day 3-teeth Day 4-mole on my face-it is by my lips. It has always been something I like. My dad called it my beauty mark Day 5-My tri ceps. They are really showing now.
7 day challenge-day 4
I am doing this from my hubby's phone. I hope it works Day 1-eyes Day 2-smile Day 3-teeth Day 4-mole on my face-it is by my lips. It has always been something I like. My dad called it my beauty mark
What are benefits of Flaxseed oil?
I've been hearing a lot about this lately- what are the benefits and how much should be taken/eaten?
exercise calories questions
OK, let's say you are allowed to eat 1500 calories per day. You do an exercise that burns 200 calories. The program then tells you that you have earned 200 more calories by exercise, so now you can eat 1700 calories that day..... My questions are this: 1. Doesn't it defeat the purpose of exercising to burn calories, if you…
How bad is it?
To go over protien allowance for the day? I seem to do this alot!! Anyone?
How many pounds in a stone
I noticed on a recent post that someone said there a 16 pounds in a stone, i thought there were 14 so i looked it up on the internet(wiki) and apparently it can vary between countries as it isnt actually an offical measurement. Can anyone tell me how many there are according to this site?
getting stronger but not losing the weight
Hey everyone... I have a problem. I love to lift weights and have always been able to lift just about anything I want. Different people and trainers have told me to lift lighter weights and more reps and this would help me lose my unwanted weight. Problem is if the poundage is too light it takes forever to even get tired.…
First Weigh In
Hi All, I just wanted to post and say that I had my first weigh in today and I lost 2 pounds! It doesn't seem like much, but I was worried I hadn't lost anything, so I was very happy!! It gives me incentive to keep going and to get up early and run on the treadmill tomorrow :happy:
If i eat healthy food throughout the day is it bad to eat some junk food too, as long as i stay within my calorie limit?? I'm trying really hard to eat healthy but its hard to stop eating junk alltogether when i was use to eating it whenever before i started dieting.
What's a typical day?
I am just wondering what a typical day is for you guys...not a perfect day, just a typical one as far what you eat, how many times a day, how long you work out. I've been one this site for 4 months and I lost 10 pounds in the first three months, but it stopped over the holidays and I can't get it to budge, no matter what I…
It's working.........but maybe too quickly
Hi All Well this website is certainly working for me, I have lost 7lbs in 6 days......but is this too quick? According to my plan I should be losing around 2lbs per week, I must point out that I have had problems losing weight before, so I am not complaining, also my blood sugars have never looked so good (well since being…
Chocolae chip cookies....warm....
I was in a conference all day and at 2:00 there was a huge plate of freshly baked warm chocolate chip cookies brought in for a little snack. I said to myself....I wont eat those!! I cant have them. Well, then I quickly remembered that I could have whatever I wanted just not the whole plate! LOL , So I ate one cookie and…
Cant Drink enough!!
So I just started getting "serious" about drinking more water a few days ago- and I'm also trying really hard to cut back on my sodium intake. So I am I so freakishly thirsty? For the first time in MONTHS, I am actually drinking water, enough water, that is and I'm parched! Only been a couple of days like this, so I doubt…
Does a plain cup of green tea count as a water?