Cutting advice/ growing glutes
Hi! I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to start cutting. I know with this routine, it’s all in the kitchen to minimize body fat. Calorie deficit and as well as strength training to build muscles. To all the body builders here, what’s the best way to do the excersizes weekly/daily? What muscles do you work…
More carbs > More fat?
The consensus here on MFP seems to be that macros don't matter, as long as you're consuming enough protein and hitting your caloric goal. So eat at a moderate caloric surplus (as to not gain too much fat), consume enough protein (at least 1 gram per body weight lb) and then get the rest from fat and carbs. It doesn't…
When to start cutting?
I’ve been bulking since January now and have gone from 7stone 5 to 7 stone 13 (5ft 1)... when do i start to cut? And if I cut surely I will go back to the original weight and be unhealthy again? Help would be appreciated 😩😊
Bodybuilding Journey. Looking for friends.
Hey everyone! I’m on a Bodybuilding Journey. Looking for friends. Good luck today!
Lose fat and gain muscle
Im 4 foot 11 and 119 pound, i want to get to about 105 pounds. Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle? How much of a defict should i have? How many times a week should i lift weights? How much protein should i eat? Thanks
Working CrossFit into Weight Training
Ok I've let myself go. I've got to loose 20lb. Before everything went to hell I was doin Jim Wendler 5/3/1 workout 4 times a week and do cardio twice a week. Now I want to change to a 3 day full body weight and a CrossFit workout twice a week. Looking for some advise on different routes. I will have access to Crunch…
Mental barrier to gaining weight
Hi all, I am 5’3’’ and spent the last year going from 126 to 113 pounds. I didn’t love the way I looked so I hit the weights and started gaining weight to add on more muscle. Now, I am feeling kinda sad that my efforts are going to waste. I’m now 117 pounds, gaining 4 pounds in just a month a don’t see much progress. At…
Tips on any exercise to build bigger legs and glutes
Hey, I have been a body builder previously and did really well but i had alot of help with my training. I could do with some tips on different training techniques. Thanks Mel
trouble upping calories
ive been in and out of hospital for the past 4 years, and am really wanting to stop that process. im aware i need to be eating a lot more than i already am, but i find myself either freaking out or feeling sick if i try to have any more than like 500 calories a day. any tips on increasing this? im 5'4 and not really sure…
Rapid weight gain from new workout. Is it water?
Hi guys I have been weight training for a while but did a new workout on Monday night, including heavy deadlifts that I haven’t done in a long time, and have seen my weight shoot up 2.7kg in 3 days post the workout which is very unusual for me. My weight previously has been very stable. I’m sore this week from the workout…
Gaining weight
Is there anyone that can help me with gaining weight, I’m 5ft 6 and weigh around 7st 3lbs I have a really fast metabolism 🥺
Is gaining 10lbs in 3-4 months possible?
Hello, I am a female 5’2 weighing 116. I have never weighed this low but because of stress I lost weight and very skinny. I would like to gain 10lbs and start to excersise and lift weights. I will be a beginner on the weights. Any advice?
Defeating disorders
Hi everyone!! I never put this stuff out there but I figure if my story can help some one then why not?! I have been bulimic from the age of about 14 until now (26). I stopped actively binging and purging at around the age of 21. I hated the way I looked and felt and used a lot of alcohol to cover emotions. I always wanted…
Advice on Resistance Bands! Dont brush over please!
Hey guys in need of advice here as I'm fairly new. I'm nearing the end of my weight loss goal and I'm finally ready to transition to a good lifting regimen with my gym rat buddy. However, Covid-19. Having said that, as I draw closer to the end of my weight loss I'm starting too look to scrawny for my liking, so I'm…
COVID-19 Barbell Training
Shortly after the gyms closed here, I ordered an Olympic barbell. It finally came yesterday and I'm looking for training suggestions. I also have a small assortment of plates (including bumper) that I had been incorporating into body weight exercises until now. Prior to the lock down I had been doing StrongLifts 5x5 and…
Gaining weight
Hi, I’m sort of new to the diet scene and don’t really know a thing about different types of supplements to use. I’m 5,11 and 141 lb. I’m looking for some guidance on what would be best for me as I’m very slim build and want to tone up and gain a lot more mass as fast as possible. Any help would be much appreciated :-)
Tracking macros to gain weight. Help!
Hi, I am 28 5’0, weigh 135. I been wanting to gain weight, and I decided to finally get serious about it. I’ve been working out for a month. Been tracking my macros but I’m still very new to this and I keep going way over mY carbs.and I still can’t manage to eat enough protein. I need help!
Don’t roast me
My experience Apr 17, Male, 61yrs, 5’10”, 14st 9lbs never trained. Weights 3 - 4 times a week, MyFitnessPall controlled 2,250 cal diet 50P 25C 25F Results after 2.5 yrs Oct 19, Male, 64yrs, 5’10”, 12st 10lbs Pleased but felt that results didn’t reflect my 2.5 yrs of hard work and dedication. Oct 19 a personal crisis…
Jump up 10 lbs. in the next 4 months
For all you hardcore weightlifters and calisthenic freaks of nature. I am trying to gain 10 lbs. in the next 4 months, only using what is currently available. I am incarcerated, but we have a weight room with nothing but cable weights and endless amounts of pull-up bars, dip bars, and jump ropes. I am at 171 lbs. but…
Anyone have a specific cutting diet i can take a look at?
Keto Macros
Any one have suggestions for macro rations for keto while also building lean muscle? I’m 155lbs, 5’7, good shape, but trying to lean out in the mid section.
Hello, Looking for some advice and workouts to help lose my baby weight and get back to building muscle.
How to increase training volume when starting out lifting weights?
I've started doing bodyweight exercises at home, but it feels like my muscles give out neurologically before I really get to tear into the muscle? I don't know how to explain it. But its left my workouts feeling unfulfilling, like mentally I can do more and I'm not getting the pump I'd like. This might be because I used to…
Weight Gain
What are you guys doing to gain weight?
Struggling to reach my 3,300 daily calorie goal. Does anyone know any meals or drinks which will help me achieve this?
Where's my weight gain friends?
Add me up if you want a small community of weight gainers! Female and 5"5 goal weight 70kg
Need more muscle friends
To encourage me regarding my diet. Add me for mutual virtual high fives.
any bony to strong girls success stories? i’m in need of motivation 🙏🏽
i’ve always been considered underweight, being 5.6 and 104 lbs since i was 15. i’m 35 now and after unhealthy relationship and bad breakup and been weighing 99-100lbs for the past two years. i’m considered by most to be a beautiful woman (if u like the skinny model type) but lately have been feeling unloveable and horrible…
How Do I Gain Muscle and Lose Body Fat?
I am "Skinny Fat" and I am looking for a way to gain muscle effectively, while also losing weight. I am not "new" to lifting but have only been lifting for around 6 months and haven't seen great results. I have looked on the internet but everyone is trying to lure me into buying their plan. Due to the new pandemic I am…
Weight Maintenance
Good morning, I previously made a thread about gaining some weight during COVID in the form of a lean bulk, even though I am doing body weight exercise and not resistance. The overwhelming opinion was to wait it out until AFTER the lockdown ends to bulk. However, I also want to address that I have slowly lost a bit of…