Do I need to stop being vegetarian?
I've been losing weight continuously for about a year now. At first it was great, I was doing more exercise and eating better than ever before. But I was always tired and my stomach always hurt. I had problems with food as a result and stopped eating, but kept exercising as much (I do olympic weight lifiting for 2 hours…
How to get my bf to build muscle?
Now, my boyfriend is absolutely fabulous. He used to do either Tae Kwon Do or Karate (I can't remember). Anyway, he agreed to start working out with me, which I'm excited about. I'm on a cut, however, and I wanted him to bulk since he has so little LBM. He wants to do the boxing club next year, but how can I help him…
Changing Main Goal to Building Muscle: Calorie Intake
Hi all! I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago and have lost everything that I want :) I am currently 140lbs, 11% BF. Over the past couple months, my goal has completely switched to focus on building muscle. I have spoken with friends and some trainers at my gym and think I now have a much better workout…
Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2
Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2 bank login bank transfer writing check Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2 bank login bank transfer writing checks transfer to cc ... Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz.Tickets,Hotels,Credit card topup...Paypal transfer, Mailer,Smtp,western union login, Book…
Eating to capacity
Putting on weight is an uphill battle for me. I know, I know "Eat more". I've heard it a thousand times. Problem is that I eat until I am far beyond full. Everyday. And I am still not putting on weight like I want. I have been doing German Volume training for the past 7 weeks and while I have increased the volume of my…
Alcohol and weight gain
While I agree 100% with calories in vs. calories out philosophy, I can't ignore the the fact that most of you would probably agree that calories from alcohol do not count in this equation. I am on the fence and I would like some scientific evidence to support one opinion or the other. If "all calories are the same", then…
Hey my fitness pal
Hello all. I just wanted to say this website is a great help but I really need some advice. It would be much appreciated. Last November I decided I needed a big change. At my biggest I was about 275 pounds. I got down to 152 but that's when I knew I lost the weight too fast and now needed to start to build muscle. Last…
First Dbol cycle "for a friend"
6 weeks - 30 - 40mg a day Nolvadex incase of any side of gyno (incase of any sign of gyno start taking 20mg nolvadex per day .. should sort it out.) PCT.. nolvadex and clomid for 4-6 weeks. Clomid 100mg for first 2 weeks of pct then 50mg for the remaining weeks. nolvadex 20mg throughout the pct. My questions are the…
I'm new to bulking and just wanted to know how long have you all bulked for? I just started two weeks ago. Trying to figure out how long I should bulk for. I know everyone is different but trying to get a general idea for myself. Thanks in advance!☺
Best way for a beginner to gain mass?
Hey everyone. I'm looking for a little advice on bulking up and what route I should take to achieve my fitness goals. A little background first: I started my fitness journey about 6 months ago, having never worked out. (180 lbs, 6 feet tall) I began just eating healthier and doing workout dvds at home. A few weeks ago, I…
Chicken breast question
Alright so , i buy my chicken at Costco fresh ones, the nutrition facts on it is 230 Cal Fat 2.5 g Protein 51 g this is for 216 g . My question is do i weigh them raw or cooked.? this is what i do i just cut all the chicken breast up into smaller pieces and just throw them in the pan to grill then once its cooked i just…
Girl Training for Boot Camp/Spec Ops
Hi! I'm a 24yo female who recently joined the Navy. I leave for boot camp late may and am hoping to gain a bunch of muscle before then. On top of that I really want to be a search and rescue swimmer which is considered spec ops. In order to get that I have to take a physical fitness test that's pretty rigorous. I've never…
Is not vegetarian will certainly not fat?
Vegetarian eating is not fat? Or eat certain things will have more meat with the same consequences?
Vegetarian Trying To Gain Weight
Hey there, guys ^_^ My name is Seium, I'm a vegetarian and I'm underweight. I'm trying to gain weight, but I'm having trouble doing that. I'm going to be working on a meal plan but I'm having trouble figuring out the things I need. My diet is mainly consistent of vegan, natural and organic foods. I avoid dairy but still…
How long will the journy take? PLZ HELP!!!
I want to become morbidly obese if I follow all the tips on the resource, how long will it take me to become a whale human? http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/HowTo:Become_Morbidly_Obese Any additional tricks? I tried breakfast skipping but last few times ended in weight loss. Preferably I'd like comments from the…
Bulking question
Alright so most of my calories and carbs come from Quaker quick oats 100 % whole grain Canadian oats, they are rolled oats. the nutrition facts on it is 1/3 cup(30g) Calories 120 Fat 2 G Carbs 20 Protien 4 g. I put 2 cups of this in a bowl and fill it with water and throw it in the microwave. I put this in myfitnesspal and…
Clean Bulk Advice
Recently finished a 8 week cut, dropped 7lbs in 8 weeks at 1800 calories a day, looking lean again, anyway I want to try out a clean bulk but the tdee calculators are giving out completely different results which is confusing me about how many calories I should eat I'm 23, 5 foot 8, 150 lbs and workout 4 times a week for…
How does fat vegetarian?
If you do not want to gain weight easily, then they should eat more whole grains and high-fiber foods, of course, the weight should also be controlled, the best weight loss products saint is: sugar-free milk, oatmeal and sweet potatoes, if you have one meal a day included three species of which one or two, plus eat…
Gaining Weight/Loosing Stomach
Hi, I am a female early 30's weighing only 113 at 5'2. I did Insanity for 30 days and it was the wrost mistake for me because of the goals I want. I would like to gain weight and loose my stomach. My stomach is not too big but it def needing shaping/loosing/help!!! I am afraid if I incorp more cardio I will loose more…
New to weight training + Fatigue
hey guys im 20 years old and joined the gym about 3 weeks ago. i never worked out before and im completely new to weight training. i started working with a personal trainer when i joined, and my current goal is to build glute muscles (bigger butt) and strengthen + tone up everywhere else... increase my metabolism. i have…
Trying to recover some lean body mass
Hello, everyone. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was hoping to get advice on recovering some of my lost lean body mass. After about a year and a half of what I now recognize as an eating disorder, I am fearful that I have lost vital muscle. I am trying to become healthier again, and I think this would be the place to start.…
contaceptive implant hindering weight loss?
Hi. Ever since having the contraceptive implant it seems it has become very hard ti loose weight Has anyone else found this? I also suspect it causing headaches and bad skin.
What do you take Supplement wise
I take theses and just brought glycerol never taken before so seems like lot of reviews about it so thought give it a try if any one has taken it let me no. So what do you take and why? Whey protein Creatine Glutamine Zma *glycerol monostearate
How much weight should females gain a week?
I've been on a bulk for about 3 weeks now and I've only gained about .75 pounds. I'm trying not to gain too much fat, so I know the bulk should be slow, but is this TOO slow?? F, 23, 5'2", 118 lbs. Probably around 19% bf. Thanks!!
anyone LBEB?
I just saw the 12 days of lifting challenge on their website and was wondering if anyone planned on trying it? It seems like a great way to beat the winter blues and get some serious lifting in :)
Gain weight
I wanted to start gaining weight a few months ago, and I've always been on the slight side. I got a phone call from a good friend of mine and PGA tour coach Nick out of NC. He said he began using a new protein shake from a company called Qivana. I started using it and gained 10 lbs in sixty days. I realized that I wasn't…
GOMAD got me thinking...
If you can drink milk to gain weight, can I drink it just for the protein? I'm having a hard time getting enough on a daily basis, but I'm always over on fat. I could do skim milk (lactaid) instead and only enough to satisfy my protein needs. Are there any negative side effects that I'm not aware of or is it just that…
Need Help Eating More Calories!
So I'm recovering from restriction/starvation and I am trying to eat HEALTHY CALORIES! Right now I am 5'2 84.5 pounds... I already know nuts are high in calories, been eating tons of almonds. But I feel STUFFED after what I've eaten today and its only lunch! This is what I've eaten so far today: Breakfast: Quaker Instant…
How reasonable and healthy weight loss?
To do some exercise every day to match the appropriate diet, moderate Games to reduce appetite, increase fat burning rate. Movement it can choose brisk walking, jogging, jumping rope, etc., can also turn hula hoop Oh! If the home or office without skipping conditions, you can choose to jump your feet in place, generally…
Weight gain fears
I'm 20, 5' 10" , 142 lbs, dropped from 170 lbs. Now everyone advises me to gain some good weight ( muscle gains as they've described ) because I look too thin with almost no lean body mass. ( I agree on the last one. ) But I'm worried if I start bulking ( eating at a calorie surplus in order to gain muscle ), that I'm…