Struggling matching my macros with my meal plans
Trying to bulk up at the moment and as per i am not a big fan of many foods so i was going to try doing this with all my six meals consisting of only brown rice and chicken breast and es i know what your thinking that's gonna get old fast. The macros i was set where : Protein- 187g Carbs- 468g Fat- 125g Fiber- 38g…
Need Macro Advice - 20yo 77kg Male
Hiiiii! Was reading some posts and found a lot of answers to be quite helpful so thought id try get some carb/fat/protein percentages and an overall recommended calorie intake if possible. The internet tends to provide a lot of varying information on this topic ranging from recommendations of 2500 calories to 4000 calories…
Recovery, weight/muscle gain, and bdy fat %?
HI! My name's Emily and I'm a 19 year old recovering anorexic. I eat arouund 1900-2200 calories each day(I have a meal plan so I don't count my cals). I also lift 2-4 times a week with a cardio around 6 times a week. (Maybe an average 300 cal burn per day). I just calculated my body fat percentage to be 17.6%. I'm 5ft6in…
How to increase muscle mass?
I practiced with the pecs and lie down flat push-push, the reduction was great, the action is in place, and now pecs can see out but the middle seems to be not much muscle, bones can be seen, it is a little difficult to see, watch online said to be less muscle, the next question that how to practice ah? Thank you!
Underweight and "Bulking?"
Well I have been underweight considerably since I was younger due to cerebral palsy and rett syndrome. Anyway I am currently 123.0 lbs and I think a bit skinny looking still though I am not going to overdo things cause I am within acceptable BMI's What is the top end I should gain to maintain a healthy BMI, I am assuming…
Dairy/Wheat Free Ideas
I'll cut the crap and get straight to it. I'm a 77kg 21 year old male who needs 4100 calories minimum to gain weight (fact). I can easily get those 4100 calories eating a normal, healthy diet, but I've been ill now for months (headaches, sinuses, generally bad health), which happens quite lot. Dairy is bad for me, I know…
CONAD - cup of nuts per day. I'm trying to gain and it's just really hard. I don't do dairy or meat. Maybe 1/2 c nuts/day (or equivalent)? Should I make this a mandatory part of my day or is it too many nuts? I don't care much about macros except hitting my protein goals (which I always do). I'm not into bodybuilding. I'm…
How to Bulk?
Hello everyone, I am 19 years old, 5ft 9, and 136 lbs. Thanks to this site, I have just started tracking my food intake, and also have an idea on how many calories, protein, carbs, etc. I need a day. I started working out about a year and a half ago, but due to the fact of not eating enough, I haven't seen the gains that I…
New Goal 200 lbs @ 13% Body Fat
I am looking for Fit Pals to help me get this goal. I have lost 85 lbs in a year, maintained for a year, my goal now is to be a solid 200 lbs at 13% body fat. Current exersice regime is weights and calisthenics about an hour a day 5 days a week 2700 calories TDEE. Current stats are 187 lbs @ 15 % . I will need pointers for…
Diet help for muscle gain
hello guys.. i have lost 21 kgs in 6 months ..lost a lot of fat along with a good amount of muscle.. Now my goal is to put on muscle.. I started eating a surplus of 200 calories a day for 3 weeks i seem to put on belly fat again ...Any advice on how i can put on muscle and lot put on fat. I seem to be doing ok with my…
Debunking the Myth
I am finally ready after 2 years of experimention to firmly say that the prevailing concept that a caloric surplus is necessary to build muscle is untrue. I know this is going to get a lot of backlash since it has been the belief for so long amongst the general public, but I am now living proof that muscle and strength…
Help with eating healthy while bulking?
So I'm on bulk til March well I'm on a dirty bulk I've been pretty much eating pure junk and my Dad is worried he knows I need to gain weight and so far I've gone from 93lbs to 110lbs in a month of dirty bulking and yes I'm trying to gain fat. Due to my heart and kidney issues I can't take supplements but here my problem…
5 month bulk
New year soon and all that so birthday is in may so a five month bulk is the plan... Am about 185lbs now and going to get big as I can not to sure what a reachable goal weight should be tho? Calories Protein Carbs Fat 4044 244g 551g 96g That will be my daily macros or there bouts, but am asking for help from training to…
Any curvy, fit women out there? I need your help!
So I've been gone for a while on here and completely slacking on workout! I lost weight and trying to gain it all back. I would LOVE to look like my profile picture, but I know that will take a lot of dedication which im willing to do! My goal is to gain weight and to be more curver and fit! I would love to gain some mass…
Too much fat?
I'm 20 years old, female, and currently about 5'10" and somewhere around 110 lbs. I'd like to gain about 15 pounds, but I'm more concerned with getting healthy. I've been struggling a lot to meet my daily calorie goal (2,210) and usually end up around 1,900. To get to that number I've had to eat lots of high calorie…
someone ate my lunch!
So I spent an hour or so baking chicken, steaming cauliflower, and making stuff for a few meals for the next few days of work. I prepared them, threw them in their tupperware and went off to bed. Coincidentally my roommate was out drinking and one of his friends came over and since the food places were closed he told him…
Protein powders to help up intake for vegetarian
ok guys/ladies... I am trying to increase my protein intake because obviously im doing something wrong (no improvements) I was told to try a protein powder since im vegetarian.. the two suggested to me was isopure and epic... anyone have any experience with either of these? im trying to gain, but maintain the lean... so I…
Did I screw myself up
So I am recovering from anorexia and was doing great for a month or so. Eating my meal plan given by nutritionist (probably around 1700-1800 calories) and was only gaining 1 lb per week. However three weeks ago my father suddenly died and I immediately lapsed. I went to eating 800-1000 calories, working out, and towards…
How to build muscle?
How exercise can make your own leg muscle strength! And all of the body's muscles! I beg you to give me about what sport can do from home to make their muscles are revealed!
i think i overdid it...
well, about 2 months ago i said "screw it all!" i was tired of counting calories and feeling guilty when i went over by 10 so i stopped counting for a few days. turns out if i don't track at all then every day just turns into a binge fest. so i set my calorie goal to zero and decided to start stronglifts. right now i just…
help food rut
So i need to gain weight and quickly iv got about 3 more weeks to have gained as much as possible. Im not muscle building simply gaining weight preferably via nutrient dense foods as its for growth issues in pregnancy. for the past 2 weeks (when i was first told to start gaining and fast) Iv been shooting for 3500 cals a…
need new friends IM 19 and need to gain
Hi I need to gain weight. I have always been skinny but I want to now be healthy.
Do I need to stop being vegetarian?
I've been losing weight continuously for about a year now. At first it was great, I was doing more exercise and eating better than ever before. But I was always tired and my stomach always hurt. I had problems with food as a result and stopped eating, but kept exercising as much (I do olympic weight lifiting for 2 hours…
How to get my bf to build muscle?
Now, my boyfriend is absolutely fabulous. He used to do either Tae Kwon Do or Karate (I can't remember). Anyway, he agreed to start working out with me, which I'm excited about. I'm on a cut, however, and I wanted him to bulk since he has so little LBM. He wants to do the boxing club next year, but how can I help him…
Changing Main Goal to Building Muscle: Calorie Intake
Hi all! I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago and have lost everything that I want :) I am currently 140lbs, 11% BF. Over the past couple months, my goal has completely switched to focus on building muscle. I have spoken with friends and some trainers at my gym and think I now have a much better workout…
Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2
Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2 bank login bank transfer writing check Selling good and fresh cvv fullz track 1 and 2 bank login bank transfer writing checks transfer to cc ... Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz.Tickets,Hotels,Credit card topup...Paypal transfer, Mailer,Smtp,western union login, Book…
Eating to capacity
Putting on weight is an uphill battle for me. I know, I know "Eat more". I've heard it a thousand times. Problem is that I eat until I am far beyond full. Everyday. And I am still not putting on weight like I want. I have been doing German Volume training for the past 7 weeks and while I have increased the volume of my…
Alcohol and weight gain
While I agree 100% with calories in vs. calories out philosophy, I can't ignore the the fact that most of you would probably agree that calories from alcohol do not count in this equation. I am on the fence and I would like some scientific evidence to support one opinion or the other. If "all calories are the same", then…
Hey my fitness pal
Hello all. I just wanted to say this website is a great help but I really need some advice. It would be much appreciated. Last November I decided I needed a big change. At my biggest I was about 275 pounds. I got down to 152 but that's when I knew I lost the weight too fast and now needed to start to build muscle. Last…
First Dbol cycle "for a friend"
6 weeks - 30 - 40mg a day Nolvadex incase of any side of gyno (incase of any sign of gyno start taking 20mg nolvadex per day .. should sort it out.) PCT.. nolvadex and clomid for 4-6 weeks. Clomid 100mg for first 2 weeks of pct then 50mg for the remaining weeks. nolvadex 20mg throughout the pct. My questions are the…