I want to lose fats and build muscle at the same time
I am 35 years old and I have arthritis in my left knee from an old injury. I am trying to lose fats in my belly region and "love handles" but at the same time, I am looking to build more defined pecs. Please advise on how I can go about it in terms of exercise and diet.
Be Honest: Amateur Masters Physique?
Thank you.
How long do you stick with a program before mixing it up?
Curious to everyone’s thoughts.
1 year weight lifting transformation
I'd just like to share my transformation and journey through weight lifting! I began working out Feb of 2018, and did a lot of random weights with a large amount of cardio. I decided to focus solely on weights around August of 2018. I have definitely progressed and gained a large amounts of muscle in my biceps, triceps,…
Musle and tonning
Hey, I am a complete newbie, i weigh 115kgs, 6ft2 I want to gain muscle and tone up any advice please mesls too
Facepull Fad?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIq5CB9JfKE Curious as far as what everyone's opinion is on facepulls...becoming the greatest thing since sliced bread thanks to people like Jeff Cavalier. I personally prefer other rear delt exercises (reverse flies, high rows, even straight arm pull downs - to some extent felt in rear…
I'm really confused right now. I'm 6 foot tall 60 kilos, and having hard time eating food that are supposed to, also i find it hard to make schedule for the foods i should eat. I need help guys. TYIA!
4 weeks bulk 2 weeks cut
Hi all need some advice please?! I was eating around 1200 cal before my vacation, i am 38 years old 156cm height and 46.6 kilos (44.6 a week ago before vacation), i train 2 times a week lifting and 2 classes of leg bums and tums. I would like to gain muscle before my next holiday in 6 weeks so i was thinking maybe i could…
Finally getting there!
I am very proud of myself I am finally starting to see results in my arms. I was recovering from being hit by a drunk driver two years ago and was having back and neck issues. Today I am prod to say I have been pain free for the last three months.
Leg and butt grow
Can someone advice me some exercises at home to butt and leg grow, i have skinny legs and butt and have no money for gym for now so... thank you :)
Eating post workout
Ive been told that people will eat immediately after lifting weights to fuel their body. Curious what to eat? Protien? Carbs? Anyone do this? Like litin the car after they worout?
40/40/20 meal planning
Is anyone doing this? If so, what do you start your day with? How many hours in between meals? How many workouts a week?
Gaining and Toning!!
So I’m such a newbie at the gym and I’m already skinny. I just want to add more weight and tone myself. I’m aiming more for my butt, and stomach. Although I know, I will work out everything I’m just confused on putting a rountie together. Less cardio, more cardio, more legs days etc. Anything will help!
It all helps
Doesn’t matter where you live I want friends who are walking my road
Anyone competing in bodybuilding competitions?
Curious how many are on here. I am guessing a lot since the app is great for tracking
Need to Decide when to Start Reverse Dieting
So, I had a crazy water weight swing over last 2.5 weeks. 212 to 201. My goal weight upon I wish to build my body and get as lean as possible is 190. I am 6' 2.5". I lose about 2 pounds a week, and I still have a lot of body fat so I am comfortable maintaining this pace. I have been losing steadily since mid December,…
Losing not Gaining
Ok guys first post here, so let’s see giant goes. First of all my name is Efren, but everyone can just call me E. I’m 46 years old, current weight is 233 lbs. I workout with weights & do cardio about 4-5 per week. Been lifting since I was 18yrs old. I’m trying to drop down to around 228 lbs. Body fat is around 33%, it’s…
Exercises do gain weight
What exercises can i do to gain weight and have a nice butt?
Tips for newbie who wants to gain after losing weight.
After losing the weight (Fat) and reaching a optimal fat percentage. My butt and thighs have deflated from their former glory, but it didn't bother me as much since I know its possible to refill them using muscle. Now what are some good tips to bulk up the butt and thighs without regaining fat? Or some general good tips…
How important is it to change workout programs?
I am following a free online workout program. In the program's description, it says that the program duration is 8 weeks. Does that mean I should change programs after 8 weeks? Will it still be optimal to follow the same program after the 8 weeks?
Building muscle and loosing body fat
I am really confused about the whole loosing body fat scenario. I am currently 129lbs,5ft8,my scales say i have 24% body fat and 15% muscle. I have managed to work out what my maintenance calories are, which is 2007 calories. My break down of macros are 30% carbs,40% protein and 30% fat. I exercise regularly, I have a…
Reducing body fat whilst gaining lean muscle
Hi, my body fat percentage is already quite low, but I was just wondering what the best way is that I could reduce it further so that my abs are more visible whilst also building lean muscle mass.
Gaining and Losing Weight !
Hey guys ! I’m new to this platform and fitness journey ! There is so much I don’t know and it can get pretty overwhelming real quick . I want to grow and build a more fuller and toned butt but I want to slim down my thighs and maintain a skinny waist and also lose weight on my flabby arms . I’m 5’4 and I weight 124 pounds…
Is this Normal?
With so much information available about fitness nowadays it makes me think of what I’m doing right now is correct, I’m 5,9 and 146 lbs I’m 17% body fat and I feel I have a decent amount of muscle for my age, currently I’m trying to get leaner with a goal of getting to 10% bf but I see people saying you can get lean and…
My struggle with weight gain
Hello everyone, hope you are healthy and happy, I am 24 years old, I weigh 99 lbs (45 kgs) which is considered way too underweight compared to my 5'3 height, I struggle everyday with people's negativity, and criticism, they all keep saying you should eat more, sleep more, etc... But the thing is I know I eat enough, I…
Do I need to cut more or lift more for slimmer thighs?
Thought 125 at 5'5" would be a good stop and re-evaluate weight but my thighs have stayed pretty much the same since my high weight as you can see. Wondering if I need to incorporate exercises I'm not already doing? I cycle and take spin class around 3/week, bodyflow class, some but not very consistent squats, leg press,…
Headaches during training
Hi, I keep getting headaches when weight training. I'm working with a PT and he's watching my breathing, etc to make sure it's not because I'm holding my breath. I had an intense pain in my head when I used the assisted pull up machine, which left me with a dull headache that eventually settled down. And then a couple days…
Trying to resurrect what once was
Hello all, been quite some time since I have been active on MFP. This is kind of a reintroduction of sorts. Over the last year I have seen some big life changes, all for the good. However its had a big impact on my fitness life. I spent most of Nov/Dec of 2018 working 6-7 days a week to make the OT. I moved to Lincoln NE…
Cutting Techniques Post Bulk
This came up in a previous thread, and instead of derailing that one, I thought it would be best to post this and see if we can get a general consensus on cutting techniques post bulk to maximize fat loss, and minimize muscle loss. My basic understanding is the following:* Get sufficient protein, which I tend to define as…
Muscle building question
Hello! I am a female and in late 20s. I have been lifting weights for 4 months now. The progress was satisfying until a couple weeks ago. My body fat was going down and seeing more definitions. Since a couple weeks ago, my body started to swell. I didnt do anything different. This is just so frustrating. Anyone know why…