Magnesium, Calcium, and Sleep
Maybe everyone else already knows this, but I didn't: Magnesium and calcium compete for absorption. One of the common suggestions here to try for sleep is to supplement magnesium. I tried that, including trying multiple types of magnesium, without observable benefit. More recently, I learned about the two minerals'…
Carnivore diet and climax
I've been on carnivore diet for 3 weeks now and I've noticed some pretty interesting changes in myself. One being my bruxism completely disappeared, only to be triggered by pepsi max, allowing me to realise that I'm sensitive to certain additives. I've just recently discovered I'm able to climax again. Before I would…
Do you journal? Personally I don't "write" a journal, but I do reflect everyday on things I do and how I feel day to day online. Many times I'll go back and see how I handled challenging days (like when my mom passed) when days like that come along. I know in Zoom, they have you do that which is probably why many get a…
How do you mindfully eat and know when to stop eating with a binge eating disorder?
I started gaining weight after puberty started! I went from an easy 220lbs to 450lbs in a matter of 14 years! How do I continue my weight loss journey healthily?
Hi all. I've got a weakness for and love a good place to read through some helpful wellbeing, health, diet, execise articles etc. I had at one point, a subscription to Noom and I loved the daily bite size articles it would provide each day, it was helpful for developing a really positive routine but also a great place for…
How do you deal with burnout?
Not in a good mental headspace today. Between work, holiday prep, housework, and trying to keep my physical health struggles under control… I’m completely burnt out and I don’t know how to refill this empty cup I’m trying to pour from because every time I turn around someone else wants something from me. And even the…
Has My Fitness Pal had a new look in latest update
Help! If so it says that I've never slept, all my history of sleep has disappeared.
Does anxiety affect Vo2 Max
Hi everyone. I suffer from anxiety and it sucks. I noticed my Vo2 Max is really really bad. This was a surprise as I thought I was doing OK with my cardio. I run on my treadmill and in season, ride my mountain bike. I also lift weights and hit the sauna almost daily. I am 51 and the Garmin app says I have the fitness level…
Are you unwell much? Compare stats here?
55 Year Old Male : Self Employed. Underlying issues: Anxiety and Depression, job loss, COPD, Anklosng Spondilitis. All under control except Anxiety and Loneliness and the grief of major career loss. I ran some numbers - June 9th, 2023, to March 27th, 2024 and found I am unable to train Summer Autumn Winter. Total of 293…
Mobility after weight gain
I want to know if my lack of mobility/pain is due to my weight gain. Last July diagnosed with cancer, treatment= tablets and monitor, I became depressed and put on 40lbs in 2 months, then pretty much became stagnant, used to cycle 4 days a week and tennis 3 days, since September haven't ridden, put more weight on, then in…
CPAP Use and Weight Gain
As recently as July, I had lost 35 pounds and while I still have weight to lose, I had kept that 35 pounds off for over a year. I began using a CPAP machine about 10 weeks ago. I have been very successful with the machine and my apnea events are now in the normal range. However, I am gaining weight at an alarming rate! I…
Sleep Restriction
Hello, I'm currently exploring the "sleep restriction" technique. - Has anyone here tried it? I'm interested in adopting this approach for a few months, but I have concerns about potential risks and difficulties in implementing it correctly also I cannot figure it out correctly. Any tips or advice would be greatly…
If you could snap your fingers
And instantly be any weight, what weight would you choose? I used to think I'd want to be 20 or 30 pounds underweight, so I could have all the pizza and not worry about weight. Now I'd choose 10 pounds under. I'm happy and satisfied with the way I eat now. 10 pounds would be plenty of wiggle room.
Best use of a week to myself?
I am a working mum with 2 small kids. Over last few years I’ve used all my capacity trying to progress at work and juggling all the kids and house stuff. That’s meant my mental and physical health have been neglected. I am 20lbs overweight and often very down. I’m in the very lucky position of having a week to dedicate to…
Gratitude Exercise - Health
I am grateful for the various functions of my body that allows me to move, see, hear, and experience the world. https://liveinthismoment.com/gratitude-beatitude-health/
Eating Disorders
Hi, I've been dealing with an eating disorder for the last 5 years, anorexia to be more precise. I just wanted to know if there is anyone else in here that is going through the same path of recovery and why do you think using this app helps or what is the best use I can find of using this app.
How much did you weigh in high school, college, early adulthood? Were you happy with that weight? What is your goal now? How does it compare? My bmi in high school until I was 30 was 22 to 23. I felt good, but didn't like full-length mirrors. I was bottom heavy, the fattest sibling, the fattest in my class. I would…
How are you sleeping
How are you sleeping
Bad back!
I also have a bad back! I use a back brace, I wear it tight when I walk. I walk a lot, about 7,000 steps a day. I use a Fitbit to track my progress. I am 78 years old , I burn about 2,500 calories a day. I lose about 1.5 pounds a week. Hope this helps! Ron
Does anyone get obsessive over things like what time in the day to exercise?
Not sure if this is the right board for this... I get nervous that if my feet start to ache at all, I won't be able to go walking the next day. I think, my feet will be too tired/strained/whatever if I do too much walking at night, to walk the next morning? I have lots of obesessive thoughts like this over diet/exercise…
Do Better
I want to do better. But as the day progresses and the stress in my life builds, I lose my desire to do better. I start the day like this every day. I am tired of losing my desire as the day progresses and am afraid if I don't start to actually do better there will be consequences. How do you sustain your desire to do…
What wellness type things do you do?
I never really know what self care should look like. I am interested to focus on my health and wellness and would love to hear what others do to help with feeling better and better health. I take vitamins (when I remember) I walk every day Take bubble baths! Anyone suggest anything else? Or what do you enjoy doing? Thanks
How do you deal with sleep and missing someone?
Sometimes it’s hard for me to fall asleep because I’m missing someone so much. I tried listening to music and podcast but nothing takes my mind off of the person I’m missing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture
Hello, I just listened to a podcast with the author Virginia Sole-Smith. Her second book is just being released. "Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture." She published her first book "The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image, and Guilt in America" in 2018, and it seems like it was a big seller. Has anyone…
Exploring new hobbies and activities for overall wellness.
Hi everyone :) Little bit of background story for this thread's existence, The extent of my hobbies are pretty narrow, since forever really, but once I got a PC years ago, the only things that seem to have survived are gaming, and reading. Both of which I do still enjoy, but I really want to break out and get some variety…
Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, and more fun stuff
I know there are no magic bullets; I'm just wondering if anyone has some similar experiences or advice about surviving after a psychiatric emergency, hospitalization, and the aftermath. I just got out of the psych ward after letting things build up for years, and though the hospitalization was good for acute stabilization,…
Under active thyroid
Hey I was wondering if anyone else had an under active thyroid but still managed to be able to lose weight easily??
Menopause and metabolism concern question?
Hoping some of you have done more with Hormone Replacement Therapy or other remedies you might recommend. I had a hysterectomy around seven years ago but to be honest I had hot flashes and night sweats even before that. I am a little afraid of HRT reactions, but I am getting tired of the lack of sleep, hot flashes and…
I suffer from terrible insomnia, which can leave me with 4-5 hours of sleep for my day. I know in order to bulk and grow I need a few 8-9hrs. According to my doctor because of my ADHD 9 would be optimal. I’ve tried melatonin and meditation. My mind just runs a million miles at night. Any suggestions on other things like…
Early Menopause
I went through menopause early, in my mid 30s. I had no other symptoms besides the stopping of my menses. When I turned 40, i began gaining weight and developed T2D. Since then I battle keeping my blood glucose steady, my stress down and trying to lose weight.