Victorious Victoria Day Challenge - May 9
Glorious Friday! There is a small voice in the back of my head that can't wait to step on the scale on Monday. There's also a small voice that tells me to stop obsessing about my weight. It will say stuff like "100,000 people died in Myanmar and your worried about a pound of fat?" Not that I think what we do here isn't…
toning and strngth training
So, yesterday I posted the question: If I have lost 20 lbs, how come I haven't changed pants size. One reply was right on target, these pants didn't really fit very well, I just refused to buy a bigger size.. More than one reply suggested toning. So my question is, are toning and strength training the same? And what should…
Tummy help needed...
Okay so I obviously am watchin my calories... I am at the gym at least 4-5 times a week on the treadmill or the bike for at least 30mins sometimes 45 or 60mins. I do situps on my ball most nights. I do 3-5 sets of 15. Sometimes with alil 4lbs weights. So my bottom lil pouch of tummy is slowly disappearing.. like I am not…
Victorious Victoria Day Challenge - May 8
The countdown has begun! 10 days left to show us what you're made of. I'm cutting back for this week. I'm aiming for 500 calorie workouts. This puts my food intake under 2000, so I went over a bit yesterday and will probably go over a bit each day. Next week, I amp it up again, then two weeks of vacation. Some people like…
any cool fitness workout plan websites?
I'm looking for a great online resource for various workout plans that I can choose from daily/weekly. any suggestions?
I'm so excited because I ran 6 miles today with the kids in the stroller this morning (90lbs including 2 kids and stroller). There were a ton of hills and it was awesome. I burnt 560cals in exactly 60 minutes!! The kids are being so good, they came out of the stroller saying how much fun they had. I know I'm running a…
Lower Back Pain
I was at an exercise class today, and it almost felt like my back went out. My lower back is killing me, mostly when I bend. I put tiger balm on it, and just recently took some robaxcet. Should I see a doctor or just wait it out?>?> Thanks PS If it happened to any of you...any tips??
Help! BMR 1,987???
I am allowed 1200 calories a day but I just checked my BMR after reading another blog and it is 1,987! How can by calories allowed be more than my BMR? Does anyone understand this? :smile:
? about calories burned
Hey everybody. I don't know if there are any other horse people out there, there's such a wide variety of folks on here, I thought somebody might be able to help me! My question is, how many calories do you think longeing a green horse uses? This of course isn't on caloriesperhour.com! :tongue: I have two young horses that…
My HRM Just Arrived!
My Highgear HRM just arrived! Took a little bit to figure out but I've got it going now and the chest strap even fits me! :tongue: Heading out now to test it.
Can't bring myself to run...
I want to run so bad, but at the same time all I can think of the second I look at the front door is all the pain running meant to me in the past. The wheezing, the burning lungs the led to pneumonia, the inability to walk for 2-3 days. Being the last one done running a mile in gym class. Not even being able to make it a…
HRM...one final question
I have the Polar F6. Is it really not possible to tell time and monitor one's heart rate at the same time?? This seems...incredibly stupid to me. It looks like you need to exit the "Exercise" mode even just to click over and see what time of day it is. Or perhaps I just haven't figured it out yet. I have to say, I am…
Hmmm asking again
:grumble: I had asked about the Power glider and got some stuff on wii fit program and that has nothing to do with the exercise equipment I have. The power glider is something you sit on and your legs stay stationary and you move your arms back and forth which in turn moves your legs and such. Anyone heard of it? If so can…
Belly Dancing
I know there are many of you out there who love it and endorse it as much a possible- I have convinced two of my girlfriends to sign up for a ten week course with me! I am nervous though- I am not heaps coordinated with dance moves, and have never really danced before (aside from ill-fated jazz lessons when I was ten!) So…
Victorious Victoria Day Challenge - May 7
Oh, it's a happy Wednesday - strength training day. If anyone told me a year ago that I would look forward to a weights class, I would have thought they were crazy. How we change for the better. There are still many of you we are missing. Come back! I have a feeling you are secretly reading the posts without putting in…
Has anyone tried Zumba? My gym is offering it free for members, and i thought i might start going, if i can see some results! Anyone know anything about it?
The article on understanding Heart Rate...
Does anyone remember that article that someone (maybe Banks..?) posted a while back about understanding target heart rate, and working out in the zone, etc.? I've done a few searches, but can't seem to find it. I can't remember if it was a link or if someone cut and pasted the text of it into the post. Would love to…
For months I've been tracking food and exercise on here but I haven't exactly been setting the scale on fire. So I went and bought a Polar F6 Heart Monitor. OH MY GOD! Apparently, my heart is in extremely good shape. For all the exercise listed on the site, I'm burning about half of what they say I should be. I knew…
Victorious Victoria Day Challenge. . .May 6
I can't believe that I'm up this early... My new teaching schedule involves teaching at 8:30 am two days a week. Bleearrrgh. Anyways, today my goals are: Hip Hop Abs cardio (or the gym and the elliptical if I feel like leaving the house:tongue: ) My goal is 500 calories total, so I may have to add in another dance video.…
Favorite Fitness/health websites
I love reading articles and blogs about fitness....anyone have any websites to recommend?
Body fat
Hi...I still haven't lost anything but 2lbs...but my body fat dropped...)only a few tenths of a percent)...but i've been excersing like crazy...so my question is does body fat fluctuate ?
How do you know what weight is right for you?
Hi folks, I've never been at the same weight in my adult life for more than a year or two, so I have no idea what I'm supposed to weigh. I've also never been happy with my weight, even when in retrospect I should have been. I know the range as recommended by BMI for my height, but that's about a 30 pound spread! I don't…
what are you doing?
Hi Here goes...i joined a gym in Nov. wieghing 227lbs...didn't take it seriously, so I now weigh 235. I 've been trying really hard during the last 2 months but i've only lost 2lbs. I have lost 8 inches all together but the scale isn't moving. Just wondering if anyone has any advise? I do cardio for 30-45 min 3x wk with…
I did it!
I was so reluctant to go to a gym. I had talked myself out of it for quite some time. As some of you know I have been a little (ok a lot sick) today was the first day I felt like exercising. I came home from work and sat down for awhile and all of the sudden it hit me. Get up and go, see if it is really as bad as you have…
HRM newbie has questions! Help!
Dealing with the learning curve...I'm so excited to start using my HRM! I bought the Polar F6. I have a few questions (sorry if these seem silly, please bear with me). I read the manual and I've configured it with my personal settings and did an "Ownzone" five minute warmup this morning....I thought it was just a one-time…
Okay, so I went on a binge today and ate all of my calories plus 300+ more all at one time! I'm not going to be able really get out an exercise until after 9pm tonight (that's 8 hours from now!) Did I blow it? I'm at work right now, and I've been standing and trying to walk around as much as possible, but I need to burn…
HR monitor vs machine - bigger difference than I expected
I recently purchased a Polar HR monitor (which I love!). I used it for the first time today on the elliptical, with both the machine and my monitor programmed with my weight and age. I know HR monitors are typically much more accurate than machines, but I found the decrepancy pretty startling nonetheless. Although both…
Exercise before bed
I have heard that it is not good to exercise before bed, but I have never heard why it isn't good. The only time I can find to workout is between 8:30pm & 9:30pm and then I go to bed between 10 & 10:30pm and fall asleep within minutes. Does anyone know why it's not good to go to bed shortly after excercising?
I pushed myself
I woke up this morning with cramps which can only mean one thing...Aunt Flow is in town:sick: :sick: I ate an egg for protein, then went and did my 50 minutes on the elliptical. Cramps went bye-bye and I'm happy!!!:bigsmile:
Just wondering...
When you eat your total calorie allotment for one day, does it still work for you if you exercise afterward? Say you eat all of your calories and don't really exercise at all that day, then at the end of the night you go for a nice long walk. Does your body have time to store a lot of fat? I guess I would like to know how…