BACK AGAIN! 150 healthiest foods on earth #30
By popular demand we're back again with 150 of the healthiest foods on earth. For those who are new I have attached at the bottom all previous posts. I will be posting a new food every day as time allows. All information is from the book by jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth". Day #30: Bananas…
HELP!!! Boss wants to buy lunch.
He said we can go wherever I want for lunch but I'm in unfamiliar territory. What would be a good suggestion for a healthy lunch out? I'm in Ooltewah, TN today if that helps you make suggestions.
Measuring meats before or after cooking??
Hi. I am starting my new way of eating on Jan. 1 and I am making my menu for the week. I am married with 3 kids and I am trying to change our over all way of eating. I am going to attempt calorie counting, but am worried that it is going to be extremely hard with some foods. I am really going to focus on learing what a…
Protien shakes and gaining weight
Will protien shakes make you gain weight if you are trying to lose? Big question right now. My hubby is working out and running. He wants to build muscle mass so he is taking whey protien 2x a day. Is this ok?
How much Protein should I take in
I finally got down to almost my ideal weight. I'm 5lbs shy so i've lessen my cardio by a whole bunch and have gone to doing lifting with minor cardio. How much protein should I be taking in to build muscle. I'm 6' and weight 180lbs?
gluten free and dairy free diet
Hey guys so I have just been recently diagnoses with a gluten allergy as well s being lactose intolerant for 9 years now...so i was wondering if any one had suggestions for any brands of food that are gluten and dairy free? i love cereal in the morning, so does anyone know of any gluten free cereals with some fiber in…
Tilapia Fillet sandwhich - Grilled...mmm!!!
I've got the whole thing on my blog here: http://foodforpleasure.blogspot.com/2009/12/tilapia-fillet-sandwhich-grilled.html This afternoon I didnt have a lot of ambition to make anything complex so I just decided to throw together an easy fish fillet sandwhich. I was taken by surprise at how delicious my quick "throw…
Favorite Brand of Protein Shake
What is your favorite brand/flavor of protein shake?
How many calories needed while pregnant?
I just found out that I'm expecting our first kiddo :) I've been doing some research and I found that you only need to consume about 300 more calories than normal. Does this sound correct?
I'm addicted to sweets and need help!
I have a terrible addiction to sweets. I always tell people that my favorite meal of the day is dessert. Problem is, it is really starting to affect me. My husband and kids love cookies, cakes and pies (so do I of course), and so I like to make those things because it makes them happy. And, of course, if the food is there…
Low CAL FOODS that fill you up
Are there any foods that are low in calories that you can eat a lot of? I ate fish yesterday and was surprised how much I got to eat for the calories. I got full. Just wondering if there were more foods that do this.
Soaking Beans
I bought a bag of dry red kidney beans and it says dry they are 70 calories for 1/4 cup......after I soak them would it still be 70 calories for 1/4 cup or does that change?
#29: The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
Another day of our education of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Woo Hoo! Some of these you won't be surprised by, some you will. I'll take one out of each food group each day to mix it up a bit. All information is from the book by jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth". Day #29: Avocado Intro:…
Biggest loser family cookbook....
I got this for Christmas and I really like it! I just made a pizza from it and its yummy!.. just thought I'd share if any of you are looking for a good recipe book, the recipes seem to be easy and they are all very low calorie, also has a lot of healthy versions of things that can be really bad... I'm cooking for one and…
salt, how much is too much?
I know I should be watching my salt intake since it causes water retention and so on. But I LOVE salt and certain foods just have to have salt, like my baked potatoes that I am obsessed with lately. Is it ok to be adding salt to things like this, and if so, how much is too much? Also, is sea salt any better for me?
So I just changed my settings on my food log to track sugar and I am shocked! It states that I should on have 24 grams (I am assuming it tracks in grams?) but I have already consumed 55! And I have hardly ate much at all... I had one teaspoon of sugar in my coffee this morning, but I have also had grapes, blackberries, an…
Real Foods vs. fake foods
Hello all, I've never posted something like this but just read this article and thought it was very interesting. It's a direction I've been heading and it was nice to read about it. http://www.fitnessspotlight.com/2009/03/16/selling-ill-health-real-foods-fake-foods/
More then Ground Turkey....can you say Turkey Mush
Ok, so times are really tough and I just happened to notice in the 99 cent store freezer section there are 1 pound pack of what is called Ground Turkey and Ground Chicken, so I have bought 1 of each, when I opened the package....it looks like mush, pattay.......spread. What is the difference between this and regular Ground…
what to do?
i havent tracked my food on this website much but i do keep a count of what im eating. to be honest it is wayyy too low. i barely get 800 calories a day and my body is starting to get messed up. no more time of the month for 6 months and im starting to get weak. the problem is i have such an issue with food. i am going to…
What is in the food?
Taking out: 1) Hydrogentaed oils 2) High fructose corn syrup 3) Highly processed oils - Only Virgin cold pressed and ... High Heat Cooking only with saturated fat! (Yes I mean it) High heat cooking only with saturated fat!
#2: the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
This is day two of our education of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Woo Hoo! Some of these you won't be surprised by, some you will. I'll take one out of each food group each day to mix it up a bit. All information is from the book by jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth". Day 2: OATMEAL…
hard rock cafe
my friends are planning a trip to hard rock cafe this wednesday and i can't find the nutrition facts anywhere! does anyone have any idea where i can find them or have any suggestions on what i can order thats relatively healthy and lower in calories? Thank you for your help :heart: aisha
1,000 calories in a meal
Its amazing how easy it is to consume 1,000 calories in a meal (not that I have done that :) ) ....but today iconsumed 1,000 in one day and I still feel like I ate too much!!!!!
#12: The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
This is day twelve of our education of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Woo Hoo! Some of these you won't be surprised by, some you will. I'll take one out of each food group each day to mix it up a bit. All information is from the book by jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth". Day 12: Cardamom…
I hate nutritious food...in the winter anyway.
It felt great eating light and healthy in the summer, but since the cold weather and snow has come, I just want junk. I've been trying for weeks to turn myself around and get back to that healthier mindset, but it's just not happening. If I make a salad now or cook chicken, I can't even eat it...I would much rather have a…
Work at Night? When do you track your calories???
I am usually a teacher (most weeks) but the last two weeks we have been on vacation and I have been working my other job as a manager at a movie theatre. The shift runs from 5-midnight. I have been sleeping late (and eating breakfast?lunch? late) then when I get home from theatre i usually eat something for supper. When do…
wrong order!
I'm so frustrated....I almost always log my food before I eat it so I won't go over. I did everything right today and still messed up. I ordered lunch today from panera bread, my order was repeated back to me three times and even the receipt was right, but when I opened it up it was a tuna salad sandwhich rather than the…
Adding bulk to your diet - ideas?
I'm finding my weight bounces all over, and one reason (I think) is that I'm taking in a much lower volume of food... which means I'm putting out a lower volume if you catch my drift... and thus it's not a "regular" event. *cough cough* I'm looking for ideas on how to easily add bulk to my diet? I usually eat a large green…
Anyone follow Nourishing Traditions?
And still do well following this program?
Zig Zag/Calorie shifting
I was wondering if any of you had tried the UPDAY DOWNDAY diet or if any of you have tried calorie shifting. It is what I am doing, as of yesterday. (You can go to http://www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com/ if you are unaware of what this is.) Basically, what you do is shift calories. This tricks your metabolism. I don't know…