weigh in and total loss
Well i weighed in today and i weigh now 167 a total of 16.5 lb loss! How about you??
marble slab creamery
Ok, so I take my son to eat some ice cream and to be good I ordered the kids size cup with some chocolate swiss ice cream and they probaby added an ounce or less of pecans. Then I start looking for the calorie count and the calorie king says the serving size of their premium ice cream is a little more than 6oz and at 450…
Victorious Victoria Fitness Challenge April 14
Good Monday morning all! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I changed back to The Biggest Loser Cardio Max for this week. I am going to add arm exercises M W & F for 20 minutes or so. I got really good news yesterday. My sister & her kids who live in VA and I haven't seen in three years are coming to visit in July! I'm…
Exercise with a diet supplement or not?
I wanted to know if people thought that exercising with a diet supplement works better or just doing the good old fashioned way of exercising and eating healthy
Attention Hikers!
Hi! I love to hike, and try to do a small one (at least) daily. Ive noticed that on the exercises listed, they only have "cross country' listed for hiking. What about super rugged steep hilly mountain hiking? I know it burns a ton of calories, but id like to know just how much. Can anyone help?
Heart Rate Monitor
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good heart rate monitor?
latin dance and belly dancing
Hey guys i am very proud of myself today i watched a series of latin dance and belly dancing videos on utube I actually managed to dance with my daughter for about 35 to 40mins it was really fun and a great workout i think im going to buy a set of these videos for myself . I also did 15 minute abs and that was really…
Awwwwwwwwww yeah!
Well, despite feeling like I got hit like a freight train today (jogging yesterday morning, followed by an hour of soccer, and then an hour of football), I am abesolutely thrilled! According to the scale, I've lost 4 pounds, and thats with breakfast, and a bunch of water in my system already. 4 down, many many more to go,…
Bikram Yoga
If I remember correctly we have a large number of Yogi's here (people who adore yoga). I tried a yoga class this weekend that I think others should know about. Bikram yoga. The class I took was 90 minutes long, 105 degrees and 40% humidity. I’m sure these conditions sound terrible but in all actuality it was cleansing and…
Trying out for the speed skating team
The team at my local rink is having tryouts in a month and I'm going to be practicing 5 days a week. I want to be the oldest member on the team (it's mostly people about half my age):laugh: I want to prove to these younger skaters that I have a thing or two to teach them...and my kids are telling me, "Mommy go for it!"
Difference in calories burned on websites
I was checking how many calories I burn on my bike rides, and I noticed that there is a difference in the amount depending on what website I checked. MFP tends to be on the low side it seems, sometimes differing as much as 150 calories from other sites. Is there a reason? I'm still keeping up riding an hour a day and…
Does anyone else use mini trampoline/rebounder???
I didn't see it on MFP and had to input the caloric info. I'm wondering... AM I the only one who does the mini trampoline? Carrie
contest anyone? Everyone will be a winner!
Anyone interested in having a little fun and exercise. A contest on the honor system to see who can do the most jumps with a jump rope in 1 week. We'll have a start date and end date. Keep track and log in everyday with amount of jumps. At the end I will post how many jumps each person did with words of encouragement for…
working out when sore
Hi Everyone, If you're sore from a harder-than-usual workout from the day before, do you think it's better to rest the next day and give your muscles a break, or get moving again to work the lactic acid out of your muscles? Thanks!
Resistance Band exercise
Hello, I'm new to this exercise thing and have a question: A few weeks ago I started walking @5 times a week. This weekend I've decided to add some form of strength training so I picked up one of those resistance band kits (Band and video) and I started doing that. I wanted to add it to my exercise for the day, but I'm not…
Small Bits of Fitness Add Up
"Where did the day go?" Is this a common question in your life? Many of us jam-pack so much stuff into our daily routines, seemingly there’s no time to relax for just one minute, let alone exercise. Lack of time is one of the most common excuses for not having a decent fitness regimen. But do you realize that in the time…
Extra 10 min = extra 100 calories burned!
I decided to add 10 min to my elliptical trainer cardio time and increased my calorie burn by 100 calories. Who knew!! 10 minutes goes by fast once the adrenaline kicks in! Try it!!!
Yippee!! starting to see progress
Well good news to report, i have lost 2.5kgs since i started on this site :happy: and when i was last on here i talked about my son how i was trying to help him as well, i am happy to report he has lost 1kg in 2 weeks :happy: . I know what is working so im going to keep it up and stay strong and focused.
quick and effective
during the week time i dont have time for a good workout between school and work does anyone know a quick and effective workout i can do in between my day.
How often should I tape measure me?
I'm not doing the scale thing as I want to lose inches/sizes. How often should I check. I don't want to set myself up for discouragement.
Victorious Victoria Day Fitness Challenge April 13th
Ready to change lazy Sundays? I like to think of Sundays as lazy because there's nothing I "have" to do - just stuff I want to do - like exercise! Yesterday I did elliptical and weights and went for a nice walk with husband. We're having a wonderful week of weather. I think more walking is in store today. Also some house…
How do you make exercise FUN???
How do you make it fun, I find it so boring! I have a treadmill, a stationarey bike, videos and other stuff :ohwell: I'm bored!!! Mary
I'll take credit for any movement. :bigsmile: Does anyone consider yard & house work some form of exercise?? If so, how are you recording it. Dandylions - 48 Shannon - 3 :embarassed:
walking uphill & downhill question
I've googled various exercise calculators and they all seem to have the same 2 options: walking 3.5 mph, uphill walking 2.5 mph downhill This is a bit frustrating because I do tend to go uphill more slowly 3.5 mph and downhill faster than 2.5 mph. Has anyone found a way to calculate this more accurately, apart from wearing…
Hi, there! :happy: I just wanted to let everyone know that if you've started an exercise program and you're feeling discouraged...don't!! I have been working out for about three weeks now, and I was feeling a bit disappointed when I didn't see the weight coming off. But, in three short weeks I've lost INCHES and my trainer…
Heart rate recovery
Hello Here's a question for the fitness savys out there, someone once told me that your heart rate covering after work out was an indication of fitness, in other words that the fastest your heart rate when back to your resting heart rate meant that you had a good fitness level. is that true ? and if it is, how fast does…
When to do Cardio and When to do Strength Exercise
This is my third day on this diet thing. Everyday I have done vigorous exercise (bicycling). Is it good for me to do this every day? I love riding bikes.
Roller skating with the kids
So my daughters talked me into taking them roller skating today. I haven't been in about 6 months, kind of rusty here:ohwell: I was on a competitive speed skating team when I was younger, I shouldn't be this bad at it!!:grumble: Is roller skating a good workout? I figure I'm going to be doing it for at least two hours. If…
Victorious Victoria Fitness Challenge April 12
OK so I lied. I decided to try this DVD that came free with some Nivea cream that my daughter bought. HOLY CRAP! Considering it was free I really didn't expect much but it's 35 minutes of Thigh, butt & ab work. The instructor is very good at cueing and it was a really good workout. I'm gonna try to do it three days a week,…