Are there any breakfast suggestions that don't involve eggs?
Why in the love haven't they made it so you can share a recipe
Good grief you should be able to share with friends.
Older crock pots
When crock pots first came out in the 70s, we were told to always make sure they are half full of liquid to cover the heating element. Nowdays I see lots of recipes than don't use much liquid at all. Has there been a change in how the pots are made so you no longer need as much liquid, or is just that that idea was…
Apple "Donuts"
Hi I'm looking for a substitute to eat instead of chips when I want to Crave chips for a snack also I'm looking for a substitutes for when I want something sweet any suggestions?
Very specific cooking recipes
So I am running out of the ideas and would appreciate your brainstorm/tested recipes - any kind of meal from smoothies and cocktails to lunches and dinners, maybe even with pictures. Here are the 'conditions' for the meals. Please note that I am not absolutely crazy and if anything mentioned below is so much worth using in…
Saving recipes
How do you save recipes? After reading it, it says log it and print. When I tap log it, where can I view it later. I have only been able to save 2 recipes
Diary of a lazy low carb cook
Tried making keto bread and i fudged it. (Didn't whip the egg whites enough) AND I forgot to pick up lettuce at the store. So I had bacon, tomato, and mayonase on a crumbly mess of what was supposed to be bread. Not asthetic. 7/10 pretty decent eats...
Smoothies Recipe
What are the best smoothies to lose weight...
100-Calorie Treats
Hi Guys: I'd like to share this acticle on Yahoo that I came across today. Out of the 10 suggestions, I found 4 that I might like. http://food.yahoo.com/blog/beautyeats/13322/snack-smackdown-the-10-healthiest-100-calorie-treats
Soft tofu recipes
Planning to make something with soft tofu, but other than stir frying I'm not really sure what to do with it. Ideas?
TIP - Recipe sharing
I use an iPhone. Take a screenshot! Send photo via message, email, whatever. This is what works for me: Bring up the recipe on screen, press the side silence/mute button AND the home button at the SAME time. If you hear a sound like a photo shutter, you've done it. Also works well for sharing nutritional content.
sodium/potassium recipe
My sodium and potassium is always really low. Wondering what you guys eat to get the level up? And just general good recipes to get the nutrition levels up easily enough. Thank you.
Using a recipe as an ingredient?
Is it possible in MFP to select another of your recipes as an ingredient when creating a new recipe? E.g. I have a homemade sausage recipe entered, and I'd like to use it to create a recipe for scotch eggs.
Recipe nutrition breakdown is wrong
I added a banana bread recipe which contains 1 tsp of salt, (500mg). The bananas, unsalted butter, egg, and walnuts add 84mg of sodium. Those are the only ingredients with sodium. The loaf is set to serve 8, so sodium breakdown should be 584/8. But the app says a slice contains 236.3mg. What's going on with the recipe…
Share recipes
Is there a way to share recipes with friends on my list?
Recipe help!
I drastically changed my way of eating and lifestyle about 10 months ago. I wanted to be healthy not necessarily skinny but I have lost 115 pounds so far. I eat lots of chicken and I am getting bored. It gets tricky for me to figure calories and fat when I start a recipe that he lots of ingredients. What's your favorite go…
Best Protein Powder for baking?
HELLO! What is the best protein powder for baking. I hear quest is good but has sucrolose which I like to stay away from. Looking for something with good ingredients and ones you can't taste in the name good or taste good when baked.
Meal Prep - Freezer Friendly Meals
Any good recipe's that stand up well to freezers? I typically prep on Sunday's for Mon-Thurs (lunches only). Sometimes I'll do a dinner or two since I have a 1 1/2 year old and my husband gets home later than me. But it would be nice to prep for Mon-Fri but not have to keep things in the fridge. Most of my meal prep meals…
Eggs,Eggs and More Eggs
Eggs are so versatile and I eat them pretty much everyday. Last night I made some really good scambled eggs. I cooked onions and pinto beans, then added eggs, cheese and BBQ sauce,hot sauce and smoked paprika, cooked it up and served it with corn tortillas. Really tasty. Looking for new things to add, what is your favorite…
Looking for protein dessert ideas
Anyone have some good ideas for protein desserts? Preferably chocolate :)
Any suggestions for low-calorie high protein snacks and/or meals?
No Tomatoes!
Pals! I need ideas for sauces that aren't tomato based. On a normal week i will make chilli or bolognese or lasagne... all of which are out when i cant use tomatoes, so i'm after ideas for what i can make instead? Tonight I'm using green pesto stirred into pasta, and i can go for milk/cream based sauces for carbonara type…
Low caloric lunch
I got tired of tuna salads and tuna sandwiches and everything that has TUNA in it, so do you guys have any recepies?
Stir fry
What is your go to recipe for sauce etc
Low Carb, High Protein Recipe
DAMN I almost mastered a new (for me it was new alright) chicken recipe So I cut thes chicken breast into pieces then RUB IT with salt, kashmiri red chilli powder (for color not for taste) and also normal red chilli powder (that's for taste) with a pinch of turmeric, coriander & jeera (don't know what it is called in…
Recipes using cream cheese, s/f jello, cocoa, almond flour
I'm back for the last two weeks after a year and am looking for some recipes to make things that will ward off my cravings. Help please
Three Bean Chicken Chile
I pulled out an old Trader Joe's recipe idea for a three bean chicken chili. So easy and tastes great! High fiber and protein. Low sugar and fat. 1 can chicken breast meat 1 can three bean salad About 2 cups pico de gallo from deli Just heat and eat. 4-6 servings.
Quick, Low-Cal Lunch
This is a little recipe I've used for years. I wish I had more like this that are simple, quick and very low cal. Feel free to add your easy, low cal secret recipe. 1 foil packet of tuna 1 diced apple 2 stalks sliced celery 1 tbsp mayo Mix up for a nice lunch. I've also added shredded lettuce or cabbage occasionally.
Best low carb clean eating dinners
What are you all making? TONIGHT I made: Mash cauliflower Roasted beets Pesto chicken breast roared in canned tomatoes All together it's a 482 calorie dinner :)