How do you recover muscles quickly after a big workout
I'm training for a big race in 5 weeks (very short time left) so I can't really afford too many down days at the moment. But I found on Friday after a 10mile run it took me nearly 3 days to recover, and on the third day I had to cycle since I still could barely run. Today I did 12miles (and started carrying a pack) but the…
Walking Away The Pounds
So I just picked up a copy of Leslie Sansones Walk away the pounds 5 day fit walk. I'm really excited about trying this out! Has anybody used it? Did you love it, hate it? Any input is welcome here. I'm really excited about trying it. Last year my husband bought me some tae bo dvds but I was thinner and they were intense.…
Made it 30 minutes today for the first time. Can't believe it. It killed me to run 2 minutes a few months ago. Getting excited about the idea of actually being able to run.
Just curious?
I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced what I have reagarding muscle cramps. Before I started this journey, I suffered nightly terrible muscle cramps that would literally throw me out of bed! Not kidding! I have never moved so fast! I would have to run around the house putting pressure on the spot where the…
pinched nerve
i have had a pinched nerve since Valentines day that is affecting my right side. neck, arm and at times lower back. i have been going to a Chiropractor and i do think it has been helping. however it does flare up, i am right handed so i can not go thru the day not using my right arm. i worked out like normal the first week…
Anyone with Polar HRM know what (I) means when displayed?
I have a Polar F6 HRM and during my work out today a symbol that looks like (I) appeared on the left side of the exercise time. It's happened on a few other work outs in the past. I just didn't think anything of it. It was still receiving my heart rate and the clock was working fine. So I just kept working out. But now I'd…
calories burned??
So i heard the elliptical machine calories burned thing isnt correct;....and when i punch in my time on my diary it gives me a completly diffrent calorie number. Which one should i use? Which one is closer to the right amount of calories burned? Thanks!
Can anyone answer this
I use an HRM to measure calories burned during excercise. (Polar F11) I just noticed today that when I excercise within my target zone, I burn more fat as opposed to when I exceed my target zone. When I exceed my target zone the HRM shows a less percentage of fat burned. Does this mean the less intesity, the more fat…
How often do you replace your running/work out shoes?
I'm just wondering, I am more active in the last 9 months or so, but i'm finding my shoes are just not lasting. How often do you replace your running/workout shoes??
I use a wheelchair frequently. Could pushing myself in that be counted as excercise? And if so, what would be comparable to enter it in as? I saw there is one entry for "running, jogging, pushing wheelchair" but I took that as a person pushing another person...I was thinking maybe rowing, since its similar movement...any…
Hi! I am very excited to share this! I work at a desk job and usually am found sitting-glued to my desk all day. I brought in an extra egg-timer and placed it on my desk. I have it set for 60 minutes and every time the buzzer goes off i HAVE to get up from my desk and walk around the building. Whatever I am working on can…
calories for dvd workouts
Just wondering how other people count calories when they are using a dvd. I do BL bootcamp and yoga and I am not sure that I am accounting for calories correctly. Any ideas?
I am looking at a heart rate monitor/calorie counter at WalMart for about $37. There is no transmitter with this monitor. Does anyone know anything about it? Do I have to buy a separate transmitter? Does the watch itself actually measure the heart rate? Is it accurate? Is it difficult to use? I have been trying to break…
Ideal Pre and Post Workout Food Choices For Maximum Fat Loss
Chalene weighs in on... Pre and Post Workout Meals Proper timing of your meals with your workouts can have a significant effect on your progress. Here’s the scoop on what the latest research is saying about pairing foods with workouts. Ideal Pre and Post Workout Food Choices For Maximum Fat Loss Pre Workout Meals 10-20…
Unconventional Nordic Exercise
Lo, there! I am Hrothulf, son of Hrothdel, son of Hrofric, son of Ulfric, son of Urdelchai, who was the great-great-grandson of Grenhrothulchai, first king of the Geats-Men. As I sit here, drinking the finest mead upon my gilded throne, fashioned from the skulls of mine enemies and wild beasts and the feral and strange…
2000 Calorie Dieters
Is anyone else on a 2000 calorie diet having trouble eating enough food on the days you work out? I have been eating all day and about to go to my gym for my work out routine with a trainer. When I put in the exercise, I now still have 1400 calories to go. Any suggestions?
empty baby pouch?
So I had a baby a while ago and I have like this empty pouch. Anyone know something good to get rid of this? I have been doing crunches.
5K training material
I am needing some websites or information on training for a 5K. I have the c25k website, but was wondering if there is any other good places to get information. I am running my FIRST 5K on October 16th and think since I don't run I should start training now, rather than in August like my packet states I should start…
Need shoe recommendation???
Need a good shoe...for treadmill, running etc.... something extremely comfortable and supportive, but very adequate for walking/running, inside or out. I'd love to have some recommendations as to what you all have tried...live by....love...hate...whatever!!!
Do you log daily activities?
I have only been logging my workouts, and my boyfriend pointed out that we have a decent commute to work. I walk 10-15 minutes to the metro, then 10-15 minutes from the metro to work. And then the same going home, so at very least 40-60 minutes of moderate-speed walking every day. And I usually walk up the long escalators…
nervous...but EXCITED!
I am signing up to run a 5K in October. I figured that is far enough out to give me enough time to train (since I DON'T run) and the training would hopefully help me shape up and lose a little weight, along with starting to eat better. I now have something to look foward to, so let the training begin!!! I think my little…
Sketchers or Reebok Easy Tone sneakers
Has anyone tried the new Sketchers Shape Ups? Or the Avia Avi-motion, or the Reebok Easy Tone sneakers? What do you think of them? I wear sneakers to work 8 hours a day, and I need a new pair...so does anyone have any recommendations? I'm interested in real reviews from people who have tried them, not people who have never…
When to work out
I was wondering if it makes a difference if you workout in the morning or at night. I usually work out around 6 pm. But would it be better if I woke up a bit earlier to workout before i start my day? Or does it not matter when I workout, just as long as I do workout
30 day shred
so i'm in the process of starting this today, but wonder if people really lose weight while doing this? some posts i've read people said they haven't lost the weight as fast.....since i've been losing it fairly quickly I don't want anything to hinder it. i've also been reading that people have been really sore for a few…
Pedometer advice
I need advice about pedometer to buy - what do you use and what would you advice to buy ( for steps, calories count )
Bodybugg Question
Hello everyone out there, I have a quick question about the Bodybugg. Have any of you that have the Bodybugg let your subscription lapse, and if so, can you still use it just for the visual information (using the watch) or does it stop working if you let your subscription to the website is over? Thanks!!
struggling to eat my exercise calories...
Has anyone found that after exercise they're less hungry than any other time? I burned 300+ calories today on a long brisk walk, but im struggling to eat the exercise calories i've gained in any way apart from high fat stuff like chocolate! any ideas what to eat to boost your calorie intake and still be healthy after…
New body a bad thing?
I've been at this weight loss thing for about 6 months now, and over the last month I've reached a plateau. So I decided to switch things up a bit in my workouts and started doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. I'm on Day 4 of Level 2, and wasn't seeing a huge change in the way my clothes fit or in my weight loss (though…
what does bob mean when he says compliment?
I have been doing the Biggest Loser bootcamp and Bob's weight loss yoga. He says that 2 dvds compliment each other. What exactly do you think he means by that? I have been doing both everyday.
hunnie28k march weigh in GROUP
I hope this reaches everyone in the group!! Hunnie28K asked me to let you all know that she'll post on Wednesday regarding the AB challenge. Make a note of your weight/ measurements and email them to her as well. She can't get to her computer today due to her move!! Hope everyone had a good month!!