The Sugar Conspiracy
So firstly here is the link for you to read yourselves:- http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/07/the-sugar-conspiracy-robert-lustig-john-yudkin Its definitely interesting reading, let me have your thoughts please
Low-fat vs. low-carb
Facts or Hacks?
Just thought this would make a good debate. I have noticed that in the last 10 years, there has been a rise of Naturalopath Doctors and Chiropractors who have been giving nutritional and activity advice. Do you think they have it together, or are just throwing around BS?
Fast Food Addiction - Can Anyone Else Relate?
Random Thought: Who here is addicted to fast food? Yesterday, I kind of cheated on my weight loss program and had Burger King for the first time in a while. Now, at that very moment it felt good to have a hamburger again but than later in the evening, I felt disgusting. I felt bloated, heavy, depressed and felt like I…
Jane Brody's Personal Weight Loss Secrets
Seems like it could start a debate, although it seems reasonably sensible to me. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/05/well/jane-brodys-personal-secrets-to-lasting-weight-loss.html?emc=edit_nn_20180307&nl=morning-briefing&nlid=7420786420180307&te=1 Highlights: "When The New York Times hired me to write about science and…
Things that affect CICO
Ok, so an assumption that I wanted to start out with is that calories-in, calories-out (CICO) is the only way to lose weight. This is not up for debate in this thread. However, I wanted to discuss things that may make a difference in either the CI side or the CO side and help an individual lose weight. For instance: More…
NY Times Article (JAMA)
For discussion: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2673150?redirect=true I would love for this to work, but if I eat more than 1200 cal a day, I gain. But I'm old so may be that makes a difference.
How long can a person survive without eating?
Before anyone assumes this is about extreme, unhealthy diets, no it isn't. I'm not suggesting anyone should stop eating to answer the question. I am genuinely curious though...Many years ago when I was expecting my daughter, I had extreme hyperemesis and couldn't keep anything down at all, even water. At one stage, even…
Pizza Is a Healthier Breakfast Than Most Cereals
Just in time for the Superbowl. http://citnutritionally.com/pizza-healthier-breakfast-option-cereal/ https://www.thedailymeal.com/healthy-eating/pizza-healthier-breakfast-cereal As reported, most people eating cereals are using more than twice the normal serving.
When lifestyle doesn't impact chronic disease
There is no end to studies that show how healthy lifestyles improve chronic diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, etc.) and how poor lifestyles (smoking, drinking, sedentary, fatty food, etc.) contribute to chronic disease. I keep looking for information on the outliers. Are there studies on those with chronic…
Men'n'Women'n'Health'n'Popular Culture
I have no particular axe to grind with this, but I find it amusing to compare and contrast similar health/fitness magazines aimed at men and women. It doesn't get more similar - in theory - than Women's Health and Men's Health. Here are the covers of their annuals, just in time for New Year's resolutioners. Any reactions?…
Study is fatally flawed
Please note the analysis done on this research is fatally flawed. The response below to this research details the gaps. http://www.zoeharcombe.com/2018/02/low-carb-diets-birth-defects/
Is a calorie equal to a calorie?
I’m just curious if anybody has any links to a scientific article or journal talking about calories in terms of if 100 calories of apples is equal to 100 calories of oreos. I was debating this in my head while reading some other discussions. Depending on what I eat, how hungry I am, and how active I am, I eat between…
For young women dedicated to low carb
Beware. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5309613/Low-carb-diets-linked-risk-birth-defects.html
Why stress makes your fat - Article on the BBC website.
I saw this article this morning and I think this could be the sort of thing that more awareness needs to be raised about. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-42788280 Unless you want to ignore the science, we all know that weight gain, weight loss and maintenance is all about CICO. But often the thing that we need to control…
Really mfp, really?
Is Too Much Exercise as Bad as Not Enough? What do you all think of this article recently published in the mfp blog? http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/much-exercise-bad-not-enough/ Personally, I see it as another mainstream media attempt at making sure everyone in the world thinks they are doing life wrong. I get so sick of…
Discipline or Regrets
Listening to a podcast and the person being interviewed quoted Jim Rohn: “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” IMO, interesting thing to think about.
Cals are NOT created equal. CICO isn't the whole story.
Full disclosure; I DO follow IIFYM and incorporate "comfort/dirty/whatever" foods daily. But, I'm not addressing IIFYM (whole 'nother story), just CICO. Saying "CICO is all you need to pay attention to" and "a calorie is a calorie" isn't telling the whole story. If you're a beginner with tracking macros/have a lot to…
Mainstream Eating Guidance, 1960
There are several threads now with some speculation about mainstream eating in the 1950s/60s. I'm going to post this as a separate thread because it may be of historic interest to others. The images are from a book, "Family Meals and Hospitality", by Lewis/Peckham/Hovey, 1960 edition. It was my high school Home Economics…
Keto means not counting calories
I’m posting this to also help settle a debate between me and another woman. When you are on keto and in ketosis you do not need to count/worry about calories since your body is switching fuel sources? OR You lose weight on keto because your CI is lower than CO? If your CI are too high, regardless of ketosis, you’ll gain…
Can a 21 year old be stronger then a 30+ year old?
Can a youth say in their twenties be stronger then a man or women say in their thirties plus ages older? Say like in a wrestling match or fight or weight lifiting competition can a youth hope to succeed in this? The reason I ask is because I always hear that a youth is a boy and girl compared to Someone older. But why cant…
Commentary: What Thin People Don't Get About Dieting
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-perspec-thin-people-dieting-weight-food-resolutions-0101-20171227-story.html I am not sure what made me more mad when I saw this commentary piece in the Chicago Tribune this morning.... The statement that "cutting calories alone doesn't lead to long-term weight…
Don’t believe everything you hear or read!
Do we really need to be eating 6-7 small meals per day to speed up metabolism and to grow? Do we really need pre workout and protein powders? Do we really need 1.5g of protein per lb of body weight to grow?Example: People who are incarcerated in prison! They only get 3 meals a day, and the meals given are not packed with…
Why are some WOE more acceptable than others?
Mods: please remove this if it is against guidelines. I am just wondering why there is so much pushback against low carb high fat or Keto WOE but never against others like vegetarian or vegan? A vegan can ask a dietary question and have it answered directly with no off topic replys. A poster asking for advice or info about…
body comp benefits from IF?
I already hijacked 1 thread... I didn't want to hijack the meal timing thread too. And let me start by saying I'm trying to keep an open mind about this, but I do find that I have a bit of an emotional bias with these conversations. So bear with me. Every day there are threads that clearly state IF offers no advantages for…
meal timing debate
This discussion was created from replies split from: Started jogging --- and no weight loss.
What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?
I believe WLS is cheating.
hormone imbalances and weight loss
This discussion was created from replies split from: Started jogging --- and no weight loss.
BPA is safe
Article. https://www.factsaboutbpa.org/blog/don’t-confuse-me-facts…-about-bpa?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=nov-7-blog Discuss. I’m itching to try the new wOo button.
metric vs imperial
This discussion was created from replies split from: The unreal weight.