Looking for Advice
My teenager has a problem maintaining her weight. She is an extremely picky eater. Often I think she has low energy and she struggles with not eating enough. I want to help her with her nutrition (and she wants to be helped, she asks me for help and suggestions all the time.) I'm hoping someone can recommend a website or…
Counting street taco calories?
How many calories would you guys think 1 birria taco or steak or shrimp taco have? Usually the shrimp and steak taco only come with 2 mini tortilla and onions and cilantro per taco with the green sauce on the side.
Is anyone on a low oxalate diet?
My mother is on a low oxalate diet to prevent kidney stones. She is also type 2 diabetic and hypertensive. Her diet is extremely restrictive. Just wondering if anyone else is also low oxalate, and if they could offer any advice or websites for information? I have found a few websites with meal plans for her, but any…
Is bald sexy?
On some people, but not this guy. And my hair is leaving quickly! So, is anyone out there experimenting with a hair-loss remedy? I have been looking into several, but hoping to get some real testimonials before I make a decision. Thanks in advance.
Depression and Food
Good morning all. I suffer from depression and it has been quite bad of late. Feeding myself has become quite difficult. Feeding myself in a healthy way even more so. I have no energy and no drive to get up and do it. Too often I am ending up ordering in and then I always feel worse because it's not good for me and I just…
Conversion help
I'm adding Julian Bakery Paleo Thin Egg White protein to my food plan because I can't seem to get enough protein in a day, plus I want to eat less meat. I cannot seem to find a conversion for 30 grams of that to tablespoons, and I misplaced the scoop. That's a lie - I have a million plastic scoops and I don't know which…
Weight loss query
Hi I've been on mfp since December and have just about managed to lose 1 stone I'm on 1400 calories a day drinking 2 litres a day no exercise as no time Sometimes i gain some weight back on Sometimes i lose a pound or 2 must mostly stays at the 1 stone loss Why does the app say if you continue to eat like today you will…
Food vs exercise and calorie intake
I'm so confused about how the whole calorie intake works. I had always thought burn more then you eat. So why does the app allow you to eat more calories when you put in your exercise? Shouldn't I eat my daily allowance and just minus out what I lost during exercise and leave it at that?
Anyone else here with SIBO??
Looking for SIBO nutrition help and guidance. Was just diagnosed and so hard to figure out where to start.
Looking for Keto Guru's...help with low carb tortillas.
Hello! I am not specifically doing Keto(or maybe I am, who knows), but I am trying to a lower carb diet. What is the consensus on Low carb tortillas in the Keto community. Are they okay on Keto? I eat two a day(one mission low carb and one ole xtreme), it makes it incredibly easy to maintain my diet. Is that too much? I am…
I must confess...
Hello all. I've been at this MFP on and off for some time now. I must confess that when I use the app, I conveniently forget to log some foods, especially snacks. My brain is funny. For some reason it thinks if I don't track it, it doesn't count. Like when you eat that cracker that fell off the scale instead of logging it.…
Where Are Shared Pintrest Recipes?
Hello! I shared a recipe from Pinterest to MFP so I can log it. It said it shared the recipe, but I cannot find.Does anybody know how I can retrieve that info? Thank you in advance! 💪👍
Neuropathy problems! May food be your medicine...
Balanced diet and supplementation have helped me with my symptoms of neuropathy... helping to reduce pain and inflammation. My diet : 50%/25%/25% - Ensure over half your diet is made up of vegetables, a quarter plant protein (beans, legumes, soy) and a quarter complex carbohydrate (whole grains, root veg). - Always pair…
Saturated fat
I have started actively trying to lose weight January 2023 with Weight Watchers. I lost 30 pounds but plateaued and found that Weight Watchers promotes as much processed food as possible (fat free cheese, processed bread, etc.). I have shifted starting this month June 2023 to calorie counting. I have been switching from…
Mid Day Crash
Hello Everyone, I am a 22 year old female. For the last year or maybe more I have been dealing with being super fatigue around mid day. I’ve been to the doctors and nothing has came about it. Does anyone have any tips to help with these crashes?
Meal Names by Food Group
Check out the attached photos. Does anyone else use a similar strategy for guiding food choices beyond calorie count? What works for you?
Any way to make protein powder less sweet? (Nitro tech double chocolate)
Wondering if anyone has a recommendation on how to make protein powder less sweet that isn't 'just watering it down more'. I also don't like bananas, so that option is out. I bought a 2 lb size of Nitro Tech whey double chocolate and it is just way too sweet for me. I don't want to throw it out, and am trying to salvage…
Without Googling it, what are US Serving Sizes on Nutrition Labels are based on?
What were you taught/What were you under the impression of what Serving Sizes of packaged foods in the U.S. are based on?
Nutrition advice needed for Marathon Training
I have signed up for a marathon that takes place in November 2023. This will be my second marathon. My first was in April of this year. I did it in 4 hours and 17 minutes. I had no idea what to expect and ran it simply for the experience with no time expectations. I absolutely enjoyed it and immediately signed up for the…
Barcode Scanning??? HELP!
This may be a dumb question, but is there anyway to use the barcode scanner to log items in general, for later use? All It seems to do is scan it when you're eating it there and then, no actual way to just save it into the app and then add it to the diary when needed? Thanks in advance!
Weight loss
I have lost 3 stone in just over 2 years by just eating eggs steak, salmon and bacon, and one hour exercise daily no food cheats, now I crave for nothing and enjoy my food
Unrealistic Portion Sizes
I notice a lot of the "Portion Sizes" on certain things are just odd. Like you have a bag of crisps thats 220g, but the portion size is 35g. So the bag contain 5 and a bit servings. Is this weird to anyone else or just to me? It's a pet peeve of mine, but I'm the only person I know that gets annoyed by this.
Help with low Fodmap
I recently started following low fodmap diet to help with tummy issues, it is challenging to only use low Fodmap foods and look for foods that are gluten free and lactose free food yes I know we are not to have gluten & certain dairy only milk can drink is Coconut Milk and not sure on cheeses that are low Fodmap or should…
Summer Recipes!
Hello all! What are some of your favorite healthy summertime recipes? I'm running out of ideas and need inspo! Bonus points if it's a high protein dish!
Can't stop overeating!! Wtf
Wtf! I'm so mad at myself right now because every day I start off with the best of intentions of logging my food, staying under my calorie goal, and exercising even just a short walk. I start off strong then by lunch time I'm binging! I'm so mad at myself right now. I used to struggled with binge eating and the last couple…
Go to Meals?
Hey all! Just curious what y’all’s go to meals are with losing weight? Would love to add new recipes to the menu if possible 😊
I am a male 60 years old . I weigh 398 pounds. I want to lose weight. But I also need to know how to make healthy meal. Thanks Will
Eating a lot just for a day ?
Hey there, this is the first time I post here because I'm wondering something and I can't get any answer. Today, I have a big day in term of meals but whit 90% of clean foods (bbq, chicken, potatoes, salad, oil...). My question is, what will happen if I eat a lot whitout counting anything (usually i take a eye on my…
How to deal with negativity about calorie tracking?
I am constantly get ringed out for weighing my food or for saying no to foods at gatherings. I have been serious about tracking and weight lifting, but my family or peers don't seem to understand it (or my goals). I'm also dreading Easter dinner because my husband's family constantly tells me how I'm already thin or nit…
MIND Diet slows down dementia -- and it's very healthy!
Hello Friends, my husband has a rare form of Parkinsons Disease called PSP, in which he will lose cognition, mobility, speech and other things within just a few years. Recently his neuro psychiatrist recommended something called the MIND diet, to slow down the effects of dementia. The MIND diet is a combination of…