Too thin? 5'4" 112
Is 5'4" female at 112 far too thin? My family is very concerned, but maybe I'm not seeing something clearly? My brother said that I look anorexic, but I didn't feel that thin. My boyfriend thinks I'm a good weight. I'm getting confused and nervous about people thinking that I have an ED. I realize that the BMI puts me in…
Given time at the day so lepton is if its low left
It any given time at the day so lepton is if its low left in SLEW you start eating if left us high you stop eating the whole idea is CHG stimulates lepton for you stop eating the fast starts to go down sourcing a nice relationship between Chignon and left him which gives more research is concert again critically I've never…
Macros vs Calories
Hi guys ;) I love using myfitnesspal , it makes eating and especially flexible eating so much easier. However , I encountered a problem : I am trying to eat 3600 calories everyday, and I split this up with 60% carbs 20% protein 20% fats. So far so good. What I have been doing the last few weeks, was hitting my CALORIES…
Minimalist bulking diet
I'm too poor right now to afford whatever foods I want. However, I still want to put on some muscle even though supplements such as whey protein and such are completely out of the question for me. As such, I'm going to have a difficult time getting to my calorie and protein goals. To compromise, I want to buy as few…
Protein before bed?
I've recently read that taking in protein before bed in an important move to build muscle. And since our bodies are going into an 6-8 hour "fast" that it's important to supply it with some protein before bed etc. I've also seen guy do this too, even though we've all heard to not eat before bed a million times. Is this…
Where people get healthy foods
Where people get healthy foods and so on because they know that he creates better performance if the people in shape and have two healthy and I think that if you want to do something for your country then you also will work out because you know it makes me sick and tired menace in a city away people what we know about not…
Gaining confusion + are big meals ok?
So last summer I made the mistake of drastically cutting down my calorie intake and suddenly exercising a lot. I remember dropping from 51/52kg to 48/49kg in 1.5 months, and I'm 164.5cm. For some reason I lost my period in June, July, and August but i was JUST beginning to cut body fat. It came back in September but it was…
3000 diet? How long before I see results?
I've lost 40 lbs in the last 2 years due to stress ..looking at myself and constantly being reminded by people that I'm smaller is only more depressing. So basically I'm always stressing. I've decided to do the 3000 calorie diet and interpret muscle gain exercises ..I know that I burn calories daily so I've downloaded an…
Negative Self Talk
How does everyone deal with negative self talk when gaining weight? I'm mostly addressing those with EDs or BDD. It makes gaining weight incredibly hard because it distracts me from my original goal. Over the weekend, I managed to put on about a pound and a half, and the negative self talk has been running rampant through…
A new problem :I
I've been dealing with a new issue while doing dumbbell squats, my lower back is killing me always sore, I push past the pain every gym day. I do not seem to have any way to solve my form problem since I can't look at my side while squatting. Any tips? I literally have no real friends so I cant ask someone for help in the…
Partner struggles to gain weight
Hey! So I've tried researching a bit, but thought I'd ask here as well. My partner is: - 27 years old - 8 st 7 lbs (roughly, maybe little less) (121 lbs) - 5 ft 7 in (173 cm) He's been to see the doctor a few times, and they referred him to a nutritionist - who wasn't all that helpful - they only tip that he came away with…
Pyramid training while bulking?
I am on bulk and I was reading on strength based workouts. Anyone experienced with pyramid training? Because I've heard a lot about it but this would be my first time actually doing it. Also I do joint muscles, Should I seperate them while doing pyramid? One muscle/day??
Gain Lean Muscle Mass
Hi there. I'm a 19 y/o female. 165cm, 51kg and 21.5% BFP (most recent). I go to the gym every weekend because that's the only time I can go (personal constraints) and join bodypump, occasionally bodycombat. I also do some home exercises like 300cal burn HIIT cardio and some fitness blender workouts like 1000cal burn or…
Is this calorie calculation correct?
800ml red kidney beans -630 calories - 108 carbs -45 proteinwhite rice (16 oz) - 1350 calories - 296 carbs - 26 protein Total 1980 calories 404 carbs 71 protein So is the TOTAL correct? What i mean is, is white rice really 1350 calories (16 oz), etc.. is everything seems to be normal and not over calculated?
most accurate body fat percentage calculator
I was just wondering what the most accurate way to estimate body fat percentage is without using the callipers.I have tried a few different calculators on a few different websites and gotten completely different results from as low as 8% bf to as high as 30% bf just wondering what everyone has found to be the most accurate…
Injured from car crash - what to do?
Hi everyone, I recently finished my first bulk/cut cycle & was beginning to raise calories in preparation for my fall bulk. Unfortunately, my progress has come to a sudden halt, as I was involved in a car accident on Tuesday. (Rear-ended by an SUV who plowed into stopped traffic at 40 mph, pushing my car into the car in…
Gaining advice
Hi all! So I have decided to put on some mass by eating at surplus and heavy lifting, or at least try. That is the goal here! I was wondering, those of you who are building muscle, are you super meticulous about weighing your food? I will still continue to count calories and perhaps weigh proteins and dense items in the…
Change Direction from Weight Loss to BUILD MUSCLE- Timing??
I have done a lot of reading, and found a tremendous amount of conflicting data. As a result, I decided to lose my fat first and then begin some serious weight training. My goal: Gain lean muscle. How much? As much as I can :) Stats Age:49 Height:6’ 0” Weight: 194 (down from 237) I have been doing gym 6-7 days with an avg…
Gained 14 pounds in one day...
It's true. Whacky numbers caused by outpatient surgery (last Thursday) Thursday I weighed 180...Friday 194. Lost 4 pounds yesterday to today. Just posting this because it was a surprise to me to see a 14 pound/1-day jump.
Can't seem to eat enough calories
So I've done almost four rounds of body beast and P90x hybrid just the muscle building workouts and for the first three rounds I just ate whatever I did not track my calories and just ate. We'll the result I'm now at 12.44% body fat I'm 5 ft 1 115lbs male still skinny but have body fat. I'm really trying to clean up my…
Strong Lift 5*5 programme from monday.
So I am starting a strong lift 5*5 programme from monday, This is my first time trying this programme and I am on dat der bulk I was wondering if I can do it 5 days/week instead of 3. I workout in college gym and coach wont like it if I am doing 3days/week. I get enough rest everyday too, 9-10 hours of sleep and sometimes…
Finding accurate TDEE? Help!
So my cut has been quite successful eating 2100 calories a day with cardio daily. I haven't found my exact TDEE though because I've never kept exact track of how much I was losing per week. (Though it was about a pound maybe more) This week starting monday I'm going to eat 2100 calories everyday and weigh myself in the…
How do you get your carbs?!
I strive to get a macro ratio of 45% carbs 35% protein and 20% fat give or take. I can never seem to get my carbs high enough, which is a concern considering the number of times I've heard it suggested that I need to up my carbs on a bulk. I easily get 200-250 grams of protein a day, but my carbs usually fall about the…
Want to get muscular with low body fat.
So i am about 74kg and 172cm tall 21 year old male. I want to gain musclemass and lose body fat, right now i am am eating way to little! about 1000-1500kcal a day. This is why i am using Myfitnesspal. Is these numbers about right for for my daily? I work out 4 times a week. Fullbody weight lifting. Also i do some jogging…
Bulking for a Year?
So I've been researching about bulking and cutting time periods. I've heard if you're bulking and cutting too frequently that it really messes up your testosterone levels. I was curious, I'm about to start my first bulk and was wondering if I could bulk for an entire year, maybe longer? I heard that's at least how long a…
want to build muscle but a bit nervous and confused
So on April 1 of this year I decided to get into shape! I did consider it a healthy lifestyle change and not a diet.. I exercised alot and started eating healthy too. I have tracked my macros since the beginning focusing on low-carb, high protein and moderate fat. I successfully lost 45 pounds and 7 inches from my…
Lack Of Exercise - Sleep Walking To Obesity
that monitors the somesthesia within the case in impose to push slaying straight into the fat tissues around the stomach atlantic, so that the murder can fund the fatty atlantic from the breadbasket and makes the body sensing fountainheadConsuming low calorie substance and perfervid out solon calories are few methods to…
Why does higher calorie intake lead to muscle gain?
Hi all, I think I'm relatively clued up on nutritional matters but this is something I just don't get. Muscles are made by the breaking down of myofibrils and their rebuilding. They are entirely made of protein (amino acids, whatever) and so adequate protein intake is essential to allow muscles to grow. Energy comes from…
Too Boney, It Hurts To Sit!
Hello! So here it goes.. I'm a 19 year old small framed female who weighs 102 pounds at 5'4". Yes, I'm underweight. I know this all too well. Back in March, I use to weigh 117 pounds. Healthy weight right? Well, I thought I was chunky. Went back to eating clean, dropped my calorie intake to 1200 but with doing cardio 6x a…
Bulking up
Ok have been lifting over two years now and stayed lean and shredded for a while the time has come to bulk and get really big. I have been eating at a calorie surplus of 650 for a month now not a lot of change as of yet. I would just like to know if anybody else on here has had a very successful bulk and could help me out…