I did my first 5K today!!
I'm so excited. I did my first 5K today. I was so nervous going into it because I had sprained my ankle two weeks ago and wasn't able to do any running until Weds. of this week and I hadn't trained that much. Also, I'm no spring chicken at the ripe old age of 54. My goal was to finish the race without walking and I DID IT.…
Pull-Up Bar question
We just got the P90X program and my boyfriend is anxious to start. We need to get a pull-up bar, though, and this has raised some concern. We live in an old apartment and the trim/molding on the doorframes is between 4.25- almost 5 inches wide. It seems that many of the bars I am finding online are for trim up to 3.5…
Wii Fit Team - September!!!!!!
Reposting this . . . This team is open to everyone who: A. Just bought a Wii Fit and want to use it B. Has a Wii Fit, but has become super-bored of it C. Has a Wii Fit, and LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are people like you out there in the big world of MFP!flowerforyou First, list the average amount you feel you…
Hip area exercise?
Can anyone sugest some exercise to target the hip area? I have large hips but would like to tone them down. Thanks in advance.
Setting off on a journey this weekend
MFP buddies, I leave tomorrow for NYC to participate in my first marathon. It still seems hard for me to believe, this is something that I would have never thought possible for myself. Since finding this website and a new way of living and eating healthy, I have found myself and discovered a passion for running. At almost…
Interval training
Stumbled across this website today, and attempted it too .. almost killed me, LOL .. burn baby burn! http://www.nowloss.com/the-best-weight-loss-exercise-routines-is-intervals.htm
Website to set up workout plan
I just recently joined a new gym and was looking for workout ideas. I came across www.fitclick.com. I am a HUGE fan of MFP so I won't be tracking my meals or anything there but it does have a tool to custom create a workout plan to use at the gym to meet your goals. (I just work so much better with a plan) I was looking…
Spinning, first time tonight
I normally run, onlly 5 - 10 K a day, but running is different than spinning (what I'm picturing anyways) I don't ride bycicles, and I don't know what to expect from my muscles! lol I hear it's the #1 cardio fat blaster though!
Exercising before breakfast
Myself I'm awake seven hours before breakfast, so i take advantage and walk an hour or more straight or in increments. I believe its a great way to start the day burning calories. Who else starts their day in a similar fashion?
Ok got a couple of questions
My first question is with the couch to 5k program should I be doing that every other day or take Saturday and Sunday off from running to rest up. I have it Monday, Wednesday , and Friday. Or should I restart my run schedule on Sunday. Any thoughts will if effect my performance any if I take two days to rest. My other…
HIIT is definitely for me!
I stumbled across some article about this type of exercise and became very interested. I did a full out search (lots of good info from members on here about it) so that I could learn everything I could before trying it out. I started this week and have already lost 2 pounds in only 4 days of doing it. I am soooo psyched…
Loosen Up To Stay Fit
Tightness in the shoulders, neck, and back leads to fatigue, soreness, and lack of mobility. It's a casualty of the modern desk job, and one of the greatest threats to your fitness plan. Which is why you (and every other guy) should follow the 20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, stand for 20 seconds and shake things out. That's…
Advice needed from long distance runners...
Hey to all those long distance runners out there. I ran TC marathon early this month and I have been struggling getting back up to speed with my running. I am following a five week recovery schdule and it says I should be able to do a race (like a half or 5k) in a week. When I ran today, I could hardly run 3 miles so I…
C25K Question
How do you know if you are ready to start the next week of the program? I just finished Week 1. Everything I've ready says not to push yourself and repeat a week if needed. I just don't know how to tell if starting week 2 would be pushing myself too much. Day 3 was easier than day 1, but it still wasn't easy. I just can't…
In Home Workouts
Well, here in the panhandle of Nebraska we've been absolutely dumped on with snow. This means my outside walks will be few and far between now that the winter weather has begun, and I'm at a loss as to what would be the best workouts for me to try in home. Joining a gym is out of the question, so I was hoping for…
exercise after eating
Does anyone know if it makes a difference if a person exercises right after a meal, and with a full stomach.
getting back to exercise routine after the flu
I am at maintenance and usually exercise 5 to 6 days a week - but was hit with the flu and now my exercise is going from the bedroom to the kitchen and bathroom. I know I need to take it slow, but wanted anyone's experience in terms of easing back into their fitness routine. Thanks, :glasses:
Workout buddy
I am joining a LA Fitness this evening after work! I am really excited about it. When I was in the market for a new apartment one of the requirements was the complex have a fitness room. Well I have yet to step foot in the fitness room and I have lived in my new apartment since the begining of June! I think I just don't…
30 DAY SHRED START 10/27/09
hey all! a bunch of peeps have been talking about starting the jillian michaels 30 day shred (again...) so we thought we would start a NEW THREAD! feel free to use this thread to keep yourselves accountable for doing the DVD, talk about the DVD, cuss the DVD, whatever you need! my story: i am S L A C K I N G and i need to…
Maybe the answer to expensive running shoes
I :heart: running. This article was interesting but here in MN I won't be giving up my Asics. :laugh: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2009%2F10%2F27%2Fhealth%2F27well.html&h=630b8b000f84a70896fdc0ede89c60b8 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/health/27well.html
Vibe/vibration exercise machine - Yay or nay
I have seen many different types of machines that claim to strengthen your core by vibrations. You stand on the machine and the vibes contract your muscles very quickly. I guess your body is fighting to stablize so the muscles react. I tried this at a fair and my muscles did feel tired after. But looking for other…
Please everyone share their fav work out songs! Heres some that are on my MP3 ( mostly hip hop because the beats get me going. 3-Britney spears Give it to me right- Melanie Fiona Baby by me- 50 cent ft. neyo run this town- Rhinna and Jay Z What it is- sean paul ft ? Da nasty song-? 5 star chick- yo gotti party in the USA…
Jillian's 30 Day Shred ,1 - does anyone know?
My friend and I started her program today and we were curious if anyone knows how many calories are burned during the workout? We are trying to enter it into our exercise log and having a problem figuring that out! Thanks! ( :
Running Shoes
So I will start running soon. I just need the OK from my physical therapist and I am good to go. I've always had severe knee pain while running and so I always opted not to do it. Well, turns out that I am the FBI Special Agent hiring process and one aspect of their fitness test is running. So I got to do this! No more…
Starting Power 90 (original, not "X") Any takers?
I am starting a round of the old school Power 90 this Monday, October 5th. I'm looking for some other dedicated folks to help keep the motivation up! Let me know it you are interested!
I'm a Zumba addict
You know you are a Zumba addict when your 2x per week class (which i already pre-payed for) isn't enough, so spent last night looking for other Zumba classes to drop in to the rest of the week. At $10 a pop, not a cheap addiction! I can't help it!! I love it! :love: I went to my first new instructor at a Dance studio last…
jogging and knees
Jogging really hurts my knees, for like days afterwards. Does that mean it's not for me? I like how it makes me feel otherwise. I am young (31) and only about 15lbs overweight. Could those 15 be putting lots of stress on my knees? Or do I just have weak knees? Will it get better if I stick at it? I just found the "knees"…
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone here uses rebouding for weightloss? I am curious to know if there is a good calorie burn from it and have you noticed any toning from it? I have a mini-trampoline in the attic but I need to get a good dvd workout to go with it - any ideas?
arm exercises.....
Where can I find a site that shows how to do exercises with free weights? I want to know what muslces I'm using when I lift these things instead of trying to mimic what I've seen other people do. Thanks!
Exercise before bed????
I currently work nights, 6pm-630am to be exact, and I am trying to find out the best time for me to get my exercise in. I have a gym in my building and a suana and I want to use them regularly to help with my weight loss. But this nagging question keeps coming up....... Is it a good idea to exercise before going to bed in…