Deployment and tracking macros
Been tracking for years now and a deployment I went on 2 years ago made it really tough to track, so I didn't.... Anybody out there have experiences with this that they'd like to share?
Gluten free weight gain
I've been a celiac since I was age 9 and have struggled with maintaining a gluten free diet for the last 6-7 years. Because of this, I have had a very hard time gaining any weight, but now my husband and I would like to start trying to have a child and my body is simply too small and I need to gain weight! (5'3"- 97 lbs) I…
Shakes/Foods to replace weight gainers?
Please suggest recipe of shakes/foods to replace the weight gainer/mass gainer powders. The contents shall include protein powder but want to get that much calories those weight gainers provide..
Is American Garden - Peanut Butter the best one compared to other brands?
Is American Garden - Peanut Butter better compared to other brands or something else to suggest?
Is it good enough to just get calories?
So I'm trying to reach my goal of 118-120 lbs and I'm at 110.8 lbs and was wondering if calories alone will make the biggest difference? I'm aiming to consume 2,220 calories a day but I do work out 3 or more times a week (minimal cardio & mainly muscle building). I'm 5'4 and 20 years old. The struggle is real!
Should I continue adding on weight?
I am 5'9" and 160lbs. I started eating 500 calories over my maintenance since January 2016. I use to eat 1300 for maintenance and now, 1700-800. I've added 15lb over the course of 4 months. I've seen some nice improvements and added a little mass but my waist is getting chubby...should I cut back my calories? How long…
Macro help?
I'm weighing everything and it's working well, however logging it is taking time that I don't have. I've watched some YouTube videos and people say stuff like "weigh out 8oz of chicken" or "6oz sweet potato" can anyone help me get to this stage so I don't have to log the weight into MFP and still be where I need to be?…
Now I can't stop losing weight...
Hey guys, I'm a 5'2" female. I weighed around 125 before I started getting into fitness. I started cutting my fats, increasing protein, etc and my weight dropped off so fast! I recently increased my calorie goal by about 50 calories (1800) and have been trying to focus on either maintainin weight, or gaining it (I'm…
I get so discouraged. I can't believe I let myself down but gettin this heavy and now just trying to lose weight is frustrating I want to give up but I just reminstalled myself that every pound I lose gets me one step closer to my goals
Im outta ideas
inhonestly at this point don't know what to do anymore gaining weight just doesn't seem possible I've been stuck at the same Weight since I started using this app eating everything I can in sight and still nothing. Protien shakes and weight gainers do nothing but give me water weight. Calling all true wright lifter and…
Need Some Real Advice!
So as you can see in the photo im a Bit skinny fat but i have decided from here im going to Bulk up and gain some Muscle mass which my guess most of You would agree with but my question was I currently weigh 160 pounds how much should i bulk before i cut? 5 pounds 10 pounds 15? Before i go on a Cut again pls reply Need…
days of rest between full upper body workouts
How many days of rest are needed between full upper body workout? I'm currently lifting day 1 then rest day 2 and 3 then repeat. I do legs about every 4 days on non upper body days. Thinking about trying to decrease rest and lift upper body every other day. Anyone else doing this? I'm on a bulk currently. I'm a healthy 39…
Do you ever skip a workout if you missed a meal?
Some days I'm strapped for time and I'll just have a cinnamon bun for breakfast before I head out the door, but then I end up skipping my workout because I feel like it would be pointless since I already know I'm not going to hit my protein goal for the day and I would probably be burning the calories I need for weight…
No snacks = Weight gain
So I use to snack all day and I quit snacking and started working out I was 135.8 and at the end of the week (a week of no snacking and adding working out) I'm not sure 138 ... I'm heart broken because that puts me further away from my goal weight (125)
recording weight lifting in MFP
So I noticed when adding weight routines to MFP you cannot change the rep's or weight after you've selected a lifting type. For example bar bell flat press I have to put 4 sets of 10 reps of 100 pounds, not 4x12,10,8,8 with ascending weight. My guess is that it doesn't matter that much? This site isn't geared towards…
Just wanted to say that I love weights and that I would kill another human being for a 5lb increase on my bench press
Need help eating calories
I am 5 ft 4 inch at 99lbs. I want to gain weight I am just too skinny so I am not much worried about fat as long as I m getting stronger according to myfitnesspal I should be eating 2600 calorie per day but I fell short daily by 100-200 calories any tips I am not taking supplements
Well I am a 30 year old man. I weigh 127lb my husband agrees that I should gain weight. I want to go up to 150. The problem is I can eat all day long and not gain but loose. I have started exercising to try to gain muscle weight. Well I have a hard road ahead of my but I am ready to do this.
Body building routines...
So check it out, I just did PPLPPLX and PHAT training. Now I'm ready to do something new. I have been lifting heavy for a few months. I get married mid June and am looking for a good program that will get me looking nice. I'm a solid 147 which is a big thing for me. 150 is my goal. But 147 is ok too. So basically, I need…
What goal do I need to do?
I am wondering if it's ok to complete the goals that are on top of the app or do i have to complete the goals that are on nutritions.
Gaining muscle whilst losing weight
Hi all, Just starting loosing weight, about 14 lbs so far, and I reckon I only need to loose another 9 or so to get to my goal weight. I'm of slim build, 5, 11" and currently weight 145. Last fancy scales I stepped onto said I was 10% bf. When I say goal weight, it is in an arbitrary sense as really I wouldn't mind…
queston on gaining an fitness
i dropped back to 152lbs, from 170 i couldnt hold onto what i gained in in 2 months. i need body building advice, you think it would be better to try an bulk on 3,800-4000+ cals again, i dont really care for fat gains as im scrawny i would rather look stalky then weak, you think if im tryin to get to 190lbs lean, you think…
Recent pain while training
I wonder if anyone can help me. I've recently started to clean bulk and increased my weight when training. Last week while performing a bench press (20kg heavier) I started to develop pains in my left lateral muscle and the upper left side of my back. My technique is the same as before, shoulders pressed back together…
Good idea or not?
Hi guys, this is my first post here. I'm 6'5'' 160lbs. Been skinny my entire life. My goal is to get as big as possible. I know it takes a long time to gain muscle, but I want to gain weight as fast as possible. Would it be a good idea for me to dirty bulk until I reach a comfortable weight (thinking 180-200) and then…
BF % - How long to bulk and cut
This weekend I measured my body fat percentage using the ‘Yuhasz skinfold test’ & my body fat comes out at 10.33%. From pictures I’d say like to say maybe 11/12%. I have 14 weeks left until my holiday & still uncertain on how long to bulk then cut for. I’d like to add some size before cutting, but unsure on the period of…
i hadn't gain weight for the first 2 weeks
I need help
Keep bulking or start to cut?
Hey guys so this year I went on a 11 month cut from 270 to 150. I was kinda neurotic and went over board with my cut and got down to around 5% bf. Finally went to a nutritionist and got on a clean and lean bulk 250 carbs 330 protein and 40-60 fat about 2600 a day. So now I'm about 175-180 still have visible abs. But I've…
Here we go
Hello all this is day 1 of changing myself. Finally recovered from reconstructive knee surgery. Over the last 8 months I've lost 30 lbs and put on over20 lbs of fat. It's time to lose the fat and put some good body weight back on
Breastfeeding mom: protein shakes
I'm looking for protein shakes or any ideas of meals that are high in calories. Most protein powders can not be taken while bf. Loosing weight rapidly and trying to maintain it and gain it back safely.